Gfk on behalf of "Don't Give AIDS a Chance!" campaign
Gfk set out to evaluate the level of public awareness of the state campaign \"Don\'t Give AIDS a Chance!\", which was implemented by the Ministry of Public Health in Ukraine. The aim to was measure HIV and AIDS-related knowledge, behaviour, and attitudes in Ukraine. The research highlighted that there had been a positive increase in the number of people getting tested for HIV while also highlighting issues relating to views on protection and the importance of it.
A wide-scale survey was carried out to measure public opinion, attitudes and the level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS topics. The research also measured the level of demand for different services.
The data has proven significant to many different causes, for example, assisting the planning and implementation of different healthcare interventions and numerous public health campaigns were based of the survey\'s results. The research also provided national indicators for Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) report demonstrating its global significance.
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