


Kyntec runs a panel of rice farmers to assess their practices and usage of seed, agrochemical, and machineries, across 6 countries in Asia. As rice is a key crop across major rice-growing countries, the focus of the research was on the farmers. The data demonstrated a need for social intervention in regard to the long term safety in using pesticides so readily.


The research covered over 140 of the major rice-growing districts in India, where each district is mapped based on its incidence of pesticide overdose. AgrilnsightTM tracks the dosage of product sprayed by farmers on their rice fields, which enables a comparison against the recommended dosage. The specific locations where the incidence is higher than the threshold are mapped for visualisation and those districts that are over-dosing then need to be consistently over-dosed for the next two years. The mapping can be further analysed by the type of pesticide, stage of crop, farm holding size, the size of the district.


The study was only recently highlighted as having a need for a social cause as there is a significant lack of awareness amongst farmers about the harm that indiscriminate use of pesticides can cause. It is also believed that more product means better results, demonstrating the need for research like this to help encourage open conversation and education. This study has also led to Government and NGO level initiates to take on board the findings, which can also be extrapolated to other countries such as China, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam where rice panels are also run so data is readily available.


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