Info Sapiens - Break the Circle Campaign

Info Sapiens carried out research on the attitudes towards domestic and gender-based violence, in order to evaluate awareness on the topic and readiness to participate in combatting violence.
Face-to-face home interviews were carried out to understand the different type of violences that take place and to uncover personal opinions on the topic and their understanding of it. The nature of the survey was not disclosed to participants prior to the interview due to the sensitivity and social stigma attached to the topic. Participants were all over the age of 16 and randomly selected from Sapiens Omnibus, a monthly study on the basis of a nationally representative study.
This research will enable the effective implementation of education initiatives to improve conversations and openness in regard to domestic and gender-based violence. The research findings were used by Break the Circle campaign, which participates in combatting violence and calls out society\'s tolerance towards domestic and gender-based violence.
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