This is the eigth blog-post from Nicolin Mamuya, the first ESOMAR Foundation scholarship in South Africa. It’s great to be among the best!
I made it, I am an honours student. Out of 360 applications the top 60 were chosen and I am happy to say that I am one of them! A celebration is in order, at least after everything is settled. We had an orientation on the 26th of January, which gave us an idea of what to expect as well as guidelines on how to cope with the work. Market Research seems to be the one to watch out for.
Primedia, my previous sponsor, recently invited its alumni for a celebration on the 26th and the 27th of January. The 26th began with picture-taking for the profiles the company is creating for each of us. Then we had a tour around the radio stations and ended the day with a group dinner. It was great! The 27th focused on advising us about structuring our curriculum vitae, managing money and essentially, remembering to always pay it forward.
The scholarship awarded to Nicolin was sponsored by SSI and in collaboration with SAMRA.