What does inclusion mean to you? Who do you consider as a vulnerable group? Your answers are WELCOME as we are preparing the #ESOMAR#Africa Circle on ‘Making research (disability) inclusive’ to be held on 26 October. Such an important topic for those who are interested in collecting data from vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities, who face challenges making sure research activities are inclusive!
The webinar is held by ESOMAR in cooperation with the ESOMAR FOUNDATION.
John Kearon, ESOMAR Foundation President, will join the panel of speakers!
The ESOMAR Foundation’s annual Making a Difference Awards are now open for entries. Our annual Awards are a chance to applaud and reward the best examples of Market Research making a difference to the world’s Charities.
Through these awards, the ESOMAR Foundation aims to raise awareness of the impact of great research on the work of Charities, by offering a platform for these stories to be heard.
All Charity case studies, whether they are international, national or local and in any sector, are encouraged to apply.
It encourages excellence, educates and motivates the industry to produce great research on and for Charities
The last 2 years have been a particularly difficult time to conduct research – especially for Charities – tell us how you responded to the challenge and what you learnt
Share your work for mutually beneficial inspiration and learning
The competition will highlight ‘Making a Difference’ case studies to increase the impact of market research in building a better world!
Your work will be promoted throughout the year on all our platforms
Win a category and an award
Winners get recognised at the ESOMAR Congress to be held in Toronto on 18-21 September, the biggest global event in the market research industry
It’s a fun, challenging, and exciting way to share your work.
All Charity cases are welcome whether they are international, national or local!
You may showcase any innovative and insightful research work
There is no limit of entries per author
Each case-study must have a separate application
If you’d like help from a research expert writing your submission, we can find a willing volunteer in your country
Check out the previous Making a Difference Competition winners
17 June – Deadline for submissions – DEADLINE EXTENDED! -> 6 July
18 July – Announcement to the winners
September – awards presented at the ESOMAR Congress
We are thrilled to announce the winners of this year’s edition of our Making a Difference Awards.
The judges were impressed by the quality of the entries this year and, mindful of the UN’s injunction to ‘Leave no one behind’ which is the central, transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we have selected 3 winners based on the positive impact that the research conducted will have on the lives of vulnerable people. Our winning projects address three specific and very important groups, the research identified ways in which they can be helped and supported to improve their life chances, and has had a significant impact:
Supporting the financially excluded – The Human Account – serving the financially excluded
Jasper Grosskurth, Dalberg Research, Kenya
Dalberg and the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation: The Human Account – The Human Account is a six-country multi-method research project designed to be a catalyst for new product development serving the financially excluded. The measure of success was the degree to which others worked with the data – which is publicly available – examples are given of utilisation in India, Myanmar, Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria by many different bodies.
Period poverty and its effect on young women – UK Period Poverty and Stigma
Kate Whiffen, Opinium, UK
Priya Minhas, Opinium, UK
Melanie Thienard, Plan International
Opinium & Plan International: UK Period Poverty and Stigma – tackles the ‘toxic trio’ of issues that make up period poverty – lack of access to products, inadequate education and societal stigma – in order to empower young people into successful adulthood. The research has gained widespread media coverage in the UK and globally – specifically the work on the period emoji reached 4 million people on social media. Further, the research programme has changed the narrative in the UK by quantifying the extent of period poverty and its impact, and influenced policy makers and other key organisations to introduce policy changes.
Exploitation of Children – Understanding child trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in West Bengal, India – Knowledge, attitudes and practices among children, parents and community leaders in Bardhaman, Bankura and Birbhum
Sanghamitra Mazumdar, Seefar
Malvika Dwivedi, Sattva Consulting
Seefar and My Choices Foundation: Understanding Child Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in West Bengal, India. The research resulting in the launch of the Safe Village Programme in three districts of West Bengal in February 2021. The campaign aims to improve knowledge and internalisation of key risks associated with CT/CSEC, and to promote the role that children, families and the wider community, can play in ending CT and CSEC
Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 Making a Difference Awards!
The ESOMAR Foundation wishes to thank all those who participated in the competition. We aim to promote and highlight the excellent case studies – to encourage the use of more insightful and inventive research for massively increasing the overall impact of market research in building a better world!
The 4th edition of the Making a Difference Awards is on its way! In just three weeks we will start reviewing the entries for these awards. We expect no less than the excellent case studies which won in 2020! The 3 winning cases were brilliant, strong and inspiring examples of research ‘Making a Difference’.
IN 2020 we aligned the best case stories with the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
SDG #3 – Good Health and Well-Being: A case study on public perceptions of schizophrenia
SDG #5 – Gender Equality: A study on the lives of typical rural Indian women aiming to understand the social norms, practices and relations and reveals the reasons that prevent them from achieving economic advancement
SDG #4 – Quality Education: A story on bullying at school and how effective market research contributed in making a ground-breaking difference, changing laws and altering perceptions
In summary, an excellent, thought-provoking and inspiring selection of case studies demonstrated the real value that research can bring to the Not-for-Profit sector in all areas of life.
Will you make a difference also this time? Inequalities and crises all over the world call for better handling of mankind. You can help bridging gaps and supporting the work and dedication of the many NGOs who are there to make a difference. We look forward to listening to your stories!
The ESOMAR Foundation’s annual Making a Difference Awards are now open for entries. Our annual Awards are a chance to applaud and reward the best examples of Market Research making a difference to the world’s Charities.
Through these awards, the ESOMAR Foundation aims to raise awareness of the impact of great research on the work of Charities, by offering a platform for these stories to be heard.
All Charity case studies, whether they are international, national or local and in any sector, are encouraged to apply.
It encourages excellence, educates and motivates the industry to produce great research on and for Charities
Share your work for mutually beneficial inspiration and learning.
The competition will highlight ‘Making a Difference’ case studies to increase the impact of market research in building a better world!
Your work will be promoted throughout the year on all our platforms
Win a category and an award
Winners get invited to present at the ESOMAR Insight Festival, the biggest global and digital event in the market research industry
It’s a fun, challenging, and exciting way to share your work.
All Charity cases are welcome whether they are international, national or local!
You may showcase any innovative and insightful research work
There is no limit of entries per author
Each case-study must have a separate application
If you’d like help from a research expert writing your submission, we can find a willing volunteer in your country
Check out the previous Making a Difference Competition winners
“Every child needs to be welcomed and defended, helped and protected, from the moment of their conception” 20 November 2020 Pope Francis
As last year, we want to celebrate the World Children’s Day by offering our readers and followers a few of the many examples of how solutions have been found and impact has been made on the lives of many children around the world with the help of the skills, knowledge and support of the data, research and insights community.
The aim of the research was to understand these contextual factors and the roles of specific emotions and behaviours that enable these decisions. The objective of the research was to apply learnings from cognitive neuroscience and behavioural economics to understand and influence the behaviour of at-risk families and men who buy sex. This reflected a gap in terms of the current understanding of issues.
This research was conducted with the aim of preventing trafficking by sensitising, alerting and empowering at-risk families in source areas, and to stem the demand by changing the behaviour and attitudes of men at destination areas. Key considerations during the research were to ensure that the findings and insights can easily be extrapolated into applicable interventions on the ground.
This research was commissioned by My Choices Foundation, a Hyderabad-based NGO dedicated to ending violence, abuse, and exploitation of women and girls in India and conducted by Mumbai-based Final Mile Consulting
Parikrma Foundation is a Bangalore based NGO that caters to underserved kids. It runs schools and colleges throughout the city where it provides best-in-class education and other facilities for their holistic development.
The kids come from underprivileged backgrounds and carry a lot of behavioural traits picked from their communities into the school leading to disciplinary issues. Classroom disruption and violent behavior of some students that the disciplinary policy in force was ineffective in curbing, hampered growth of others.
While it seemed like an issue with the disciplinary policy, there was much more to it. Disciplinary policies are made keeping the desired behavioural outcome in mind, rarely does it consider the motivations of those on whom it is exercised. The idea was to look at it differently by keeping the students at the center and understand “why” they do what they do. (More about the study)
India, one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, still loses 300,000 young lives each year to pneumonia and diarrhoea, diseases that we have the tools to prevent. If practiced together, hand washing with soap at key occasions (HWWS) and complete immunisation, two of the most cost-effective child survival interventions, could significantly reduce under 5 mortality. Lifebuoy, Unilever’s leading health soap brand and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, an innovative public-private partnership working to immunise children in the world’s poorest countries, came together to design an integrated communication platform called ‘Safal Shuruaat’. Translated as ‘Successful Beginning’, the program harnesses parents’ aspirations for their child’s success to help mobilise parents to hand wash with soap at key occasions, immunise their children and other key parenting behaviours.
The program aims to achieve sustained behaviour change in hand washing with soap and immunisation under the ‘aspirational’ umbrella of successful parenting as a communication platform to save lives of young children and help them reach a better potential while intervening in the first 2 years: bringing down the under 5 mortality rates. Safal Shuruaat is being implemented by a consortium led by GroupM, with Kantar as the research partner responsible for monitoring and evaluation.
Bullying. Happens to everyone, stoppable by everyone. This is a story of how effective market research contributed in making a groundbreaking difference, changing laws and altering perceptions. The audience was shocked to hear that before the campaign there wasn’t even a word for bullying in Egyptian Arabic. A diligent mission that would have never been possible without UNICEF Egypt and Marketeers Research.
The power of this study lies in the shareable and impactful output clips.
Winner of the Most innovative Not-For-Profit case study of the ESOMAR Foundation Making a Difference Competition 2018. “With deep and nuanced understanding of what was driving oral rehydration salt (ORS) uptake, we developed a radically revised theory of how to increase the use of ORS to treat diarrhea in children. Instead of focusing exclusively on RMPs, programs should create demand for ORS by reframing caregivers’ perception of the treatment. This would help RMPs to bridge their “know-do” gap and prescribe ORS with confidence.”
After extremely successful pilot competitions in India and Hong Kong, this year was the first time we have brought this initiative to the global stage, this absolutely could not have happened without the logistical coordination and organisation of the above mentioned local Associations and their partners. After rigorous local competitions a winner team was selected from each participating country.
The winners of the local competitions competed in the global stage of the initiative. In the finals we had projects competing from all corners of the world which covered a multitude of social issues. The research project themes included assisting migrants and refugees in Russia, participation of young people in the Czech society, diversity and inclusion of the LGBTI community in Peru, holistic development of underprivileged children in Indian society and combating loneliness for elderly Australians in the face of COVID-19.
It was a great opportunity to learn more about how NGOs and Charities carry out their daily work and how they achieve their goals; it is slightly more rare for the community to hear about how actionable insights resulting from research can benefit a very wide range of stakeholders and add value to our societies.
The entries were extremely valuable and the final stage of the competition was a close-run affair. The global winner of the Global Research Got Talent competition was selected MediaCom Knowledge Team Russia composed of Anna Medvedkova & Olga Kotelnikova and Anna Makarova, Elena Onischenko, Alexander Matushko and Ilgiz Haziev.
Warm Congratulations to the winners of the Local Competitions:
Alfredo Valencia, Ipsos, & Luis Ramos, Universidad Catolica de Peru, Peru,
The jury for this global stage of the competition was comprised of experts from the Associations Executive Committee: Philippe Guilbert (Syntec Conseil), John Tabone (Canadian Research Insights Council), Reg Baker (ESOMAR North America ambassador), Dominique Servant (Chair of the Associations Executive Committee), John Smurthwaite (ESOMAR APAC Ambassador), Patricio Pagani (SAIMO – Sociedad Argentina de Investigadores de Marketing u Opinión), Pravin Shekar (MRSI – Market Research Society of India), Chris Farquhar (MRSHK – Marketing Research Society Hong Kong).
Together with our partners we hope that through this competition we can offer a global voice to all those charities and NGOs that do a tremendous job on the ground. We want to celebrate & promote greater use of good market research, in making a difference.
Insights are required to give young people with dyslexia equal opportunities in the education system
The Egmont Foundation works to safeguard children and young people against “modern poverty” – the lack of learning and life skills. Every year the Egmont Foundation invests approx. DKK 100M with their main objective, that by 2030 all young people are able to complete an upper secondary education.
In 2018, the Egmont Foundation carried out a study focusing on dyslexia among children and young people in Denmark. The aim was to collect insights that could help improve learning and vitality among dyslectics. Previous studies have shown that fewer young people with dyslexia finish an upper secondary education compared to others.
To be able to optimise education for dyslectics, it was necessary to identify challenges of these young people’s school life. More specifically, to understand:
1) education patterns and expectations
2) performance in primary school
3) experienced support
4) use of digital aids
5) the importance of wellbeing at schools, and
6) the importance of social background.
Epinion was chosen to conduct the research. Epinion is a market research agency headquartered in Denmark who empower organisations to improve today and see tomorrow.
A design with survey and register data to maximise the validity of the study
Egmont Foundation chose a solid design using survey and register data to map the challenges among children and young people in Denmark with dyslexia. The two methods were combined to gain a full understanding of ways to improve learning for dyslectics. In both methods, Epinion created a control group for comparison.
Nota, the Danish Library and Expertise Centre for people with print disabilities, has a very large member database of dyslectic children and young people constituting the population. For the survey, a representative group of the population aged 14 to 22 years old was invited, and 1.024 participated. The control group was constituted of 204 randomly selected young people in the same age.
For the register analysis, Nota’s member data was enriched with data from Statistic Denmark adding information about education pattern, grades, family background, income and much more. Only young people aged 25 with dyslexia constituted the population here, because 25 is an important cutting point in the Danish education and employment systems. They were compared to all other young people born in the same year using statistical matching techniques.
The results are now the basis for prioritising efforts and funding on the most pressing issues
Through the study, Egmont Foundation has gained a new understanding of both the wellbeing of dyslectic children and young people in the educational system, and characteristics of dyslectic when it comes to educational level, grades, employment, and much more.
The study showed that dyslectic children and young people, today, don’t have the same opportunities to complete a secondary education as others. The study finds that, while an equal number of dyslectics enter a secondary education, fewer dyslectics completes a secondary education compared to the control group. One of the possible influencing factors could be that dyslectic children and young people earn lower grades in primary school, especially in Danish and English, but also in math.
This is important and highly relevant knowledge for both political actors and NGO’s engaged in creating the best opportunities for the education of all children and young people, despite their social background. We know that education is a significant factor in protecting children and young people with dyslexia against further vulnerability, and the study has already increased the awareness of the problem in the Danish municipalities.
The results of the study provide Egmont Foundation with a basis for prioritising which issues are the most urgent to address when it comes to the wellbeing of dyslectic young people, and which charity projects are the most relevant to fund.
Differences in education patterns when children with dyslexia are compared to other children. Social background is an important factor.
Based on the study, Egmont Foundation formulated three objectives for future efforts:
· To detect every dyslectic, as early as possible
· To minimise differences in primary school grades between dyslectic and other children
· To minimise the effect of social background on the possibilities for dyslectics to complete a secondary education
To be able to achieve these objectives, it is essential that institutions and organizations involved in the sector work together and engage in broad ranging partnerships. Egmont Foundation has decided to invest a minimum of DKK 20M in the coming years to accomplish the objectives and is currently looking for specific projects with solutions to the three objectives to fund
About the Author: Rie Schmidt Knudsen, Head of NGO’s and Prof. Association – Epinion Global
We are thrilled to announce the winners of this year’s edition of our Making a Difference Awards. We have received a large number of entries – all of which of great value for highlighting and promoting how the best of research has made a significant difference to Not-For-Profits.
We had an overwhelming response and three winners were chosen by the expert jury. The judges considered projects that made the biggest difference to the most important issues of our time, as identified by the UN SDGs.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2020 Making a Difference Awards!
Making-a-Difference – Good Health and Well-being
Public Perceptions of Schizophrenia
Çiğdem Penn, Xsights, Turkey
NFP Federation of Schizophrenia Associations
Making-a-Difference – Gender Equality
Pro Bono Research for Light of Life Trust: Providing earning capability and opportunity to rural women
Indu Upadhyay, Ipsos, India
NFP Light of Life Trust (LOLT)
Making-a-Difference – Quality Education
Anti-Bullying Campaign Progressive Copy Development
Mariam Ghabrial, Marketeers Research and Consultancy, Egypt
The winners are invited to present their case studies during the ESOMAR Insights Festival from 14-17 September 2020.
Among the entries there were a number of them which deserved a commendation for their excellent approach, so, we are particularly happy to announce the entries which were commended:
Why Don’t We Talk About This? Why Kenya needs to start talking about mental health
Paul Drawbridge, Be Forward Foundation, Kenya
Project Butterfly: Transforming Perceptions of Transgender People
Sarah Jenkins, Magenta, United Kingdom
Human Trafficking survey: Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine
Inna Volosevych, Info Sapiens, Ukraine
Street Sports Incubator
Mohammad Alomari, Jordan Youth Innovation Forum (JYIF), Jordan
The Healthy Priorities
Florencia Rojo, Fine Research, Argentina
The ESOMAR Foundation wishes to thank all those who participated in the competition. We aim to promote and highlight the excellent case-studies – to encourage the use of more insightful and inventive research for massively increasing the overall impact of market research in building a better world!