The 4th edition of the Making a Difference Awards is on its way! In just three weeks we will start reviewing the entries for these awards. We expect no less than the excellent case studies which won in 2020! The 3 winning cases were brilliant, strong and inspiring examples of research ‘Making a Difference’.
IN 2020 we aligned the best case stories with the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
SDG #3 – Good Health and Well-Being: A case study on public perceptions of schizophrenia
SDG #5 – Gender Equality: A study on the lives of typical rural Indian women aiming to understand the social norms, practices and relations and reveals the reasons that prevent them from achieving economic advancement
SDG #4 – Quality Education: A story on bullying at school and how effective market research contributed in making a ground-breaking difference, changing laws and altering perceptions
In summary, an excellent, thought-provoking and inspiring selection of case studies demonstrated the real value that research can bring to the Not-for-Profit sector in all areas of life.
Will you make a difference also this time? Inequalities and crises all over the world call for better handling of mankind. You can help bridging gaps and supporting the work and dedication of the many NGOs who are there to make a difference. We look forward to listening to your stories!