This is the 12th blogpost from Nicolin Mamuya, the first ESOMAR Foundation scholarship in South Africa. It’s school break now. Time for an internship!
I have completed my exams and I must admit that they weren’t as bad as I had feared. I have passed all my modules, which means a celebration is in order. The school break goes on for more than a month so I had decided to keep myself busy by looking for an internship.
Fortunately, I was instantly offered a job and I now work for a property firm not too far from where I live. I will be managing the firm’s social media pages as well as handle all the admin involved in the buying and selling of property. This definitely gives me insight on the processes and possible paperwork that goes into buying property. Buying rental property proves to be a great long-term investment that I will hopefully venture into in the future.
It is June 16 and South Africa is celebrating 41 years since brave students marched against being taught in Afrikaans (the language spoken by the white people). Most of us celebrate this day by wearing school uniform and others have a gathering with friends and family to have a great time. I do believe that those students set the tone for the youth that came after them.
South Africa’s youth is very powerful and united. The students know how to fight for what they believe in. The marches for the university fees to fall and against women abuse exemplify the power they possess. Happy June 16!
The scholarship awarded to Nicolin was sponsored by SSI and in collaboration with SAMRA.