System1 Agency London has been appointed by The ESOMAR Foundation to manage its global advertising account.
The Agency has been appointed to create a global communications campaign for the Foundation that will run later this year (2017).
The ESOMAR Foundation is the charity arm of ESOMAR, the global industry association of Market, Social and Opinion research.
The ESOMAR Foundation has been set up to explore how to use the knowledge, skills, creativity, interest and resources of researchers to help charities improve peoples lives around the world through greater human understanding.
Gunilla Broadbent, ESOMAR Foundation President said :
“Our aim is to build awareness of The ESOMAR Foundation and inspire the bright minds from the Global Research community – and the companies they work with – to get involved. System1 Agency’s evidence-based approach to creativity is exactly the approach we have been searching for”.
Rod Connors, MD at System1 Agency said:
“Our commitment to guaranteeing results for every campaign we develop means that we know we can make a significant contribution to supporting The ESOMAR Foundation’s goal of changing peoples lives for the better.
This is a very exciting moment in the history of The Foundation – and we are delighted to part of this major new initiative”.
For System1
Simon Allen
+44 7908472017
For The ESOMAR Foundation
Anna Alu
+31 20 664 2141
Background Information
System1 Agency
System1 Agency is a full service Agency that creates advertising proven to translate emotion into profitable brand growth.
Based in London, UK, System1 is part of the System1 Group – and is the world’s first Advertising Agency to guarantee its work through a unique evidence-based approach to creativity.
ESOMAR Foundation believes that a fair, just and peaceful society is deserved by all and recognises the immense promise that the research community offers to those striving to achieve these goals on a global level. We bring volunteers and resources together to execute projects and provide financial support to help and support charities and NGO’s to achieve their aims.
ESOMAR Foundation
ESOMAR Foundation believes that a fair, just and peaceful society is deserved by all and recognises the immense promise that the research community offers to those striving to achieve these goals on a global level. We bring volunteers and resources together to execute projects and provide financial support to help and support charities and NGO’s to achieve their aims.
For more information on ESOMAR Foundation, please visit https://esomarfoundation.org/
ESOMAR is the global voice of the data, research and insights community.
With more than 5000 individual and over 500 corporate members from over 130 countries, ESOMAR is a truly global association. We promote the value of market, opinion and social research and data analytics and represent more than 35,000 professionals including all those who use research for informed decision-making. We’ve been providing ethical and professional guidance and advocating on behalf of our global membership community for 70 years.
For more information on ESOMAR, please visit www.esomar.org