The ESOMAR Foundation 2019 Annual Report and Financial Statement is out!
Starting with the end of 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed, and will continue to change, the world in an unprecedented way. Charitable organisations across disciplines and sectors are facing unforeseen challenges during the pandemic, the impacts of which will likely be lasting and ESOMAR Foundation makes no exception. We know the work we do is even more relevant than when the organisation was founded. We continue to deliver high-quality work that is valued by the Not-for-Profit sector and by the market research community in contribution to development cooperation between the two industries.
In 2019, we have focused our resources on fostering connections between the two sectors by bringing together their representatives, awarding scholarships, celebrating the best of research and expanding our Programmes. We have stimulated cooperation through partnerships and specific activities which engaged the market research industry and beyond.
At operational level, the Foundation was able to achieve a good number of results, with the help and support of our ‘Coalition of the Willing’ members. The quality and dedication of our extended network of supporters has helped us deliver existing work effectively and develop new projects, extending our good reputation.
In this report you can read about the exciting steps our programmes have taken in 2019 to support individuals and Not-for-Profit organisations throughout the world. From our training activities, the continuation of the scholarship grants and the Making a Difference Awards to the recently launched Research Got Talent Initiative, our activities took significant steps towards catalysing cooperation between the data, insight and research industry with the non profit sector.
A special Thank You!
It goes without saying that we could not survive without the generous help and support of the many donors, supporters, friends, ambassadors and partners that demonstrate how much they care for us! So, we’d like to take this opportunity to warmly and sincerely THANK YOU ALL for ensuring that together we can pursue our mission of contributing to a better world.