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Better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times” – Asian Proverb

Pisey Choub, the student from Cambodia who received the ESOMAR Foundation scholarship sponsored by Sapio Research, was invited by the ESOMAR Foundation to join the group of student-helpers during the recent ESOMAR Congress held in Amsterdam on 10-13 September. Read about Pisey’s delightful write-up of her Congress experience

I can say this was one of the finest and most satisfying adventures of my life I had a chance to visit a European country which is Amsterdam City in the Netherlands for the ESOMAR Congress 2023. Each day of the trip brought new sights and new adventures especially new experiences that I never had before. Amsterdam is a beautiful city. People like to use Boats, Bicycles, trams, and buses for traveling. The city is not too crowded by traffic jams and less noise from the car horns. The weather there is very good, some days the sunny day, and some days the windy day. I am so impressed by the way that they can conserve and maintain the old building very well. To talk about the people there, they are all so friendly and helpful.

I felt so scared for the first time since I had never travelled so far from my country before but after I met Ms Phyllis Macfarlane, I felt so warm and all the fear that I had gone away. I am so delighted by the way she took care of me and treated me as a family member. She took me to see the city and introduced me to meet with the ESOMAR Foundation Team as well as other people in the event for networking.

I gained a lot of life experience during the lovely dinner with the ESOMAR Team, they shared with me about work experience and life tips to make the work and life balance. During the congress, after I had done my volunteer tasks, I had some time to see and hear from the speakers about their experiences and their marketing research presentations. It is very interesting the way they do the explanation and the way they use the method to collect the data. This is the chance that I can learn from them about the techniques they use, insights, and tip which is up to date with the market research now.

I have a little hope that one day I have a chance to present about marketing research at the international congress like this. But everything like this could not happen without Sapio Research and support from the ESOMAR Foundation. I am very grateful to Ms. Jessica Bunce for the fund support from Sapio Research that she has provided to me. This support allows me to see what the world looks like and lets me go another step closer to the Market Research world. I am very happy and feel proud to share with my family, friends, and Masters’ Degree Class about this exciting experience. Live the life of your dreams, you never know what is happening next, but you need to be ready for the opportunities that will come.

Thank you for everything you have done for me.


How you can support

If you are a market researcher, a national market research association, an NGO involved in research or a university interested in a scholarship in your country please contact us at info@esomarfoundation.org

Partners & Sponsors

We are always on the lookout for partners and sponsors. If you are an organisation looking to understand more about how you can support us, please find more information here or contact:  info@esomarfoundation.org

From Dream into Reality

From a young age, I kept hearing words from my father: “Only education would make you live better and work better than I do now”. This word is repeatedly played around in my mind until now, and what he said is true.

Education is a sharp weapon for us to fight for our life. Some said, “You can continue your degree only if you grow up in a good-condition family.” I’m afraid I have to disagree with this statement. Nothing can stop you from your goal if you think you can do it.

I enrolled in a government school from primary to high school without paying fees. Because of my hard work and enjoyment of learning, I became an outstanding student. I kept learning, hoping to get the scholarship to continue my bachelor’s degree at the university. I knew that if I could not get the scholarship, I might not have a chance to continue my bachelor’s degree immediately after my diploma, and I needed to work more to save for my school fee to enroll in a quality university in my country which is the Royal University of Phnom Penh. My hard work paid off in return. I had an opportunity to get a 100% scholarship for my bachelor’s degree and graduated with a great result. These opportunities allow me to have a better job to support my family and myself; the most important is to cut the burden on my father because he is getting old now.

My dream never stops. I still hope to continue the Master’s Degree in the Global Innovation Program at the National University of Management, the best program that allows me to study with an international standard program as well as international professors. Supporting my family is not the only goal for me, and I am ambitious to become a quality human resource to help the Cambodian people to have better jobs, live in good conditions, and have enough ability to send their children to study in better schools without working so hard like my father. Once I heard there was a scholarship program from ESOMAR Foundation for Post-graduate students, my dream started to have the light come in. So I tried my best to get this chance in my hand.

Finally, a dream is becoming a reality. I have been granted a scholarship to cover the tuition fees. Thanks very much to the ESOMAR Foundation, and deeply thankful to the supporter Sapio Research, which allows me to achieve another step toward my biggest dream in life. This scholarship is improving not only me, but I will bring this as the capital to supporting all the young generation to become the better human resource for the future.

How you can support

If you are a market researcher, a national market research association, an NGO involved in research or a university interested in a scholarship in your country please contact us at info@esomarfoundation.org

Partners & Sponsors

We are always on the lookout for partners and sponsors. If you are an organisation looking to understand more about how you can support us, please find more information here or contact:  info@esomarfoundation.org


New scholarship awarded in Cambodia

23 April 2023, Amsterdam, NL – ESOMAR Foundation recently funded a new scholarship benefiting a deserving student entering into a market research-related field of study in Cambodia.

Pisey Choub is the recipient of a scholarship funded through a partnership with the global research consultancy Sapio Research.

Pisey is following the MBA Program in Global Innovation Management at the National University of Management (NUM) International College in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Pisey comes from a low-income family who have invested their earnings in providing her with an education.  Pisey’s aspiration is to advance her business education to become an entrepreneur and support the Cambodian people to have better jobs and live in good conditions.

This scholarship comes at the right moment for her, as she’s entered a period in her education where access to additional financial support will allow for career-making opportunities such as field research, internships, and other university activities.

Upon the announcement of her scholarship being funded, Pisey shared: I was thrilled and appreciative to learn that I was selected as the recipient of your scholarship. I want to personally thank each of you for helping make it possible for me to pursue my dream of continuing the Master’s Degree Program. 

I am truly grateful for the scholarship support. This scholarship allows me to work fewer hours and focus on my studies and additional education opportunities. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me. 

We are—more than ever—grateful to SAPIO Research for the continuous support of the ESOMAR Foundation scholarship programme” said ESOMAR Foundation President John Kearon.

“We are really thrilled to be able to continue to support students with their studies via the ESOMAR Foundation and congratulate Pisey on her award of this latest scholarship.  We are looking forward to hearing how Pisey’s studies are progressing, and supporting and mentoring where we can said Jessica Bunce, Co-Founder and Director, Sapio Research

How you can support

If you are a market researcher, a national market research association, an NGO involved in research or a university interested in a scholarship in your country please contact us at info@esomarfoundation.org

Partners & Sponsors

We are always on the lookout for partners and sponsors. If you are an organisation looking to understand more on how you can support us, please find more information here or contact:  info@esomarfoundation.org

Studying during the pandemia

It’s a fact, COVID-19 is slowing down the studies of many students throughout the world! Here is news from our two students from Sri Lanka who are lucky enough to be able to study thanks to the generous support of SAPIO and WIRE/Unilever. The scholarship gives them an opportunity to face the challenges ahead and, surely, with universities closing down and distant lessons, life is not easy for them!

News from Ayesh:

Ayesh Maduranga Jayawardana

After my last blog, again university closed down due to Covid-19. At the moment I’m completing my final year first semester which is conducted online.

I learned the basics about research in the previous semester, but I have to do my research in the final year second semester (research subject complete in the last semester of the final year). So sadly, I’m still studying for my research.

As a consequence of Covid-19 (closing of my university and distance studying), I’m still a final year first-semester student and I haven’t graduated yet, but I hope to enter the job market soon and complete my internship.

Again I’m not forgetting the opportunity given to me by the ESOMAR Foundation! Thank you very much.

Ayesh is following a B.Sc. Marketing Management (special) degree program at the Department of Marketing Management Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. His scholarship was granted through a partnership with the global research consultancy Sapio Research.

News from Chamari:

Chamari Jeewanthi Hapuarachchi

When we consider my academic activities, I have already completed my exams. As a partial requirement for the complete B.Sc. Marketing Management (special )degree, we had to complete a “Research study” and “Internship”.

I have completed my Internship as a Management trainee in a well-reputed Digital Marketing Agency ebirds.lk. As a management trainee, I was able to develop my Digital Marketing practical knowledge, Interpersonal communication skills, Leadership and Time management skills, Research study skills, Analytics and Decision-making skills, and many more related to the administration.

Due to the growth of obesity and overweight in Sri Lanka, I conducted my research study based on the impact of fitness -health-related social media group engagement on healthy food choice and physical fitness, with special reference to fitness inspiration contents. Finally, the Marketing Department announced that they have selected my research study for the Top 25 Research studies. Therefore I have to present my research study at the Undergraduate research symposium of the Department of Marketing Management that will be held on 6th April. I have to arrange a presentation and get ready for that event.

On 16th March I joined Moonstar Groom Designer as e-commerce manager and here my job role is the management of e-commerce website and online marketing including social media marketing.

I love to win. Therefore I always learn something special and do all I can to achieve success. I also help and encourage others to be successful. Nowadays I’m studying more concepts related to digital marketing because I want to be a marketer. I completed few digital marketing-related online courses and I’m constantly learning, because I want to excel in the industry.

Finally, I want to thank very much the ESOMAR Foundation for the kind support I received to complete my higher education. Your scholarship helped me to undertake my academic activities as I so much wanted!

Chamari is following a B.Sc. Marketing Management (special) degree program at the Department of Marketing Management Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Chamari is the recipient of a scholarship funded through a partnership with global non-profit Women in Research (WIRe) and Unilever.

A note from the ESOMAR Foundation:

We really enjoy following your progress and your personal lives during these years of your study. We are also happy that you can get through your studies in spite of the difficult times, and that the ESOMAR Foundation can contribute to fulfilling your dream!

We wish to thank our sponsors for so generously allowing us to provide these two scholarships:


Just One Year

Chamari Jeewanthi

Final year. First semester started almost a year ago in December 2019. I did good for the first part, I have attended every lecture and did my academic activities well. Although the final exam of the first semester was scheduled to be held in March, it was advanced to August due to the Covid-19 situation. During this period I started to learn everything about social media marketing and developed myself watching courses on Youtube. I spent my days studying about social media trends, how to market product through social media, search engine optimisation, content developments, etc. I didn’t waste the time enjoying with my friends, not that I could anyway.. I know that the social aspect is really important as well but I wanted to make the most of this time. Between the 17th and 28th of August I successfully faced the first semester exams.  

Although the first semester exams were held in August, the second semester started before that, in June 2020. My department scheduled online lectures for all the students, with no lectures at the university. During this time, I have been assigned to carry out a research study as partial fulfilment of the dissertation of my B. Sc. Marketing Management (Special) degree. The name of my research study is “Impact of social media group engagement on healthy food choice and engagement of physical fitness activities”. I have decided to conduct this research study to address the prevailing problem of Obesity and Overweight in Sri Lanka. Though online lectures my supervisor guides me to carry-out the research study. These days I’m dedicating my full attention to my research studies because I have to submit the research report before the 28th of December. 

During my leisure time I study more about social media platforms. Recently I have successfully completed the following courses “The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing” certified by Google Digital Garage and “Google Analytics for Beginners” certified by Google Analytics Academy. 

At the beginning of this year I felt that 2020 will not be too good for me as I considered the pandemic will affect me deeply. Now I feel the time has gone very fast and the worst has passed. During this period I learnt new social media trends, new concepts, new subjects and gained a lot of new skills. Now I know that life is a challenge.. with the acquired new skills we are ready to pass any obstacles in the future and find it easier to adhere to changes. 

Chamari Jeewanthi is following a B.Sc. Marketing Management (special) degree program at the Department of Marketing Management Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Chamari is the recipient of a scholarship funded through a partnership with global non-profit Women in Research (WIRe) and Unilever.


Partners & Sponsors


We are always on the lookout for partners and sponsors. If you are an individual or an organisation looking to understand more about how you can support us, please find more information here or contact:  info@esomarfoundation.org

My life during Covid-19

Time flies so fast and it’s true! I am getting close to my final year in university life. When I talk about this year, I can say it wasn’t the best but also not exceptionally bad. At the end of the march Covid-19 pandemic began, so all the universities and educational institutions closed in Sri Lanka but our studies continued online. Conducting online classes gave us a great support for our lessons.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we had to limit our work in order to maintain social distancing. All the events, activities and works were postponed. It was pretty hard to stay at home without friends and university studies.

However, now Covid-19 has been controlled in Sri Lanka. After ensuring the safety in universities for studies we held our exams and now everything is continuing as usual.

During those pandemic days, I followed some online courses via the internet to improve my knowledge since I had enough time after my normal university courses. I’ve spent most of my time at home. It was a great opportunity for me to spend good quality time with my parents and relatives after so many years.

These days I am preparing for my next academic exam that will be held in November. If there will not be any Covid-19 issues interfering, the exams will continue as usual. I really hope everything will be ok! I am getting close to the end of my university life, so I hope to collect as many memories from the time I have left as a student through being involved in as many activities as possible.

As I mentioned at the beginning, this year wasn’t the best but some good stuff always occurs. So, let’s see what happens in next few months and hope everything will be okay!

Ayesh is following a B.Sc. Marketing Management (special) degree program at the Department of Marketing Management Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. His scholarship was granted through a partnership with the global research consultancy Sapio Research.

Partners & Sponsors


We are always on the lookout for partners and sponsors. If you are an individual or an organisation looking to understand more about how you can support us, please find more information here or contact:  info@esomarfoundation.org

Life is a river

That’s me! first from the right

This is the first blog-post from Chamari Jeewanthi Hapuarachchcige, who is following the B.Sc. Marketing Management degree program at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.

Life is a river. Why I’m saying that? Like the river passing through rocks, we also have to face lots of challenges in our lives. In my life, I have faced lots of challenges and probably I will have to face them in the future too. Because our lives are like a river traversing a valley and within this life journey we have to face problems it’s good to say, ESOMAR Foundation helped me face my life challenges well.

With this scholarship and with hard work, I could be able to get high academic results for my last semester with 4 A passes, one B plus pass and one C plus. End of the 3rd year my GPA was 3.25 which was a decline of my academic results compared with the previous year fact which happened due to the first semester results.

Now I am in my final student year at University of Sri Jayawardenepura following my academic studies with the support of my lecture panels and colleagues. I am preparing for the final year first semester examination which will begin in March and aiming to get high grades at all the exams.

Apart from the academic activities, I have actively participated in Vibes of Marketing -2020, event conducted by the Department of Marketing Management. I was a sub coordinator of the finance team where I coordinated 3 fundraising events: Back cover selling at university premise, Raffle draw, and Official vibes T-shirts. During my involvement in these events as coordinator, I had to face lots of challenges but finally we were able to deliver the event successfully. By taking part in these kind of events I am able to gain valuable experience which can eventually help me achieve my life goals.

Finally, I would like to thank again ESOMAR Foundation for offering me a this scholarship and offer great support on my academic activities as well as non-academic activities. Just like the river traversing a valley, I’ll achieve my life goals thanks to this support and my hard work.

Chamari Jeewanthi is following a B.Sc. Marketing Management (special) degree program at the Department of Marketing Management Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Chamari is the recipient of a scholarship funded through a partnership with global non-profit Women in Research (WIRe) and Unilever.

Partners & Sponsors



We are always on the lookout for partners and sponsors. If you are an individual or an organisation looking to understand more about how you can support us, please find more information here or contact:  info@esomarfoundation.org

Sri Lankan Vibes

That's me! Ayesh Maduranga Jayawardana
That’s me! Ayesh Maduranga Jayawardana

“Time is flying”, earlier I thought that it’s just another word but now I can realize it’s actually true. I am now in the first semester of my third year of university. Last year I achieved some of the goals I have planned. In the first university year, my GPA value was 2.77 but with some hard works and dedication, I was able to achieve a 3.43 GPA at the end of the second year.

At the end of the second year and beginning of the third, I had the opportunity to participate in several events organized by my department. INCEPTION, VIBES are some of them. VIBES is the biggest outdoor concert organized by a university in Sri Lanka.

These days I am trying to improve my communication skills. Striving to achieve this, because it’s very important for my future career. Together with my colleagues, I am planning our annual department trip, it is going to be a very interesting one. Last year it gave us lots of memories and we hope this one will be even more interesting because we know each other better than the previous year.

The third-year first-semester examination will begin in March so I have to prepare for it as well. These days I am giving more attention for studies because there are six subjects this semester for examination and I have to work hard for passing all of them. I would like to especially thank ESOMAR Foundation for offering me this Scholarship so I can freely focus on my studies.

me with some of my colleagues
me with some of my colleagues
VIBES - the biggest outdoor concert organized by a university in Sri Lanka
VIBES – the biggest outdoor concert organized by a university in Sri Lanka

I am in the middle of my university studies. In these two years left, I hope to develop my academic results and I also hope to participate in and coordinate as many events as I can. They help me become a practical marketer and I can learn so many things from these events. Our panel of lecturers gives immense support for doing all this. I would like to thank the ESOMAR Foundation and Sapio Research for the support offered to my education. It is a great help for my future and I can heavily focus on my main goals thanks to ESOMAR.

Ayesh is following a B.Sc. Marketing Management (special) degree program at the Department of Marketing Management Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. His scholarship was granted through a partnership with the global research consultancy Sapio Research.

Partners & Sponsors


We are always on the lookout for partners and sponsors. If you are an individual or an organisation looking to understand more about how you can support us, please find more information here or contact:  info@esomarfoundation.org

Celebrating the success achieved

There are not enough words to thank all the support received in these two and a half years from my family, friends and especially the ESOMAR Foundation and WIRe who generously gave me the support to study.

The last months were quite busy with activities, exams, hard work and the presentation of our final project which consisted of analyzing and delivering a marketing plan to a company that was dedicated to the production of cakes. The objective was to identify business opportunities and make improvements and recommendations to the business plan to increase profitability and brand awareness.

So we had to get involved from market research, creation of a new logo and a financial analysis that would allow the company to have a better offer than the competitors.  We also had to focus on the digital and social networking strategy which is a global trend.

My team and I the day of the final exam. The cake represented the learning through books and the cupcakes represented the importance of brand communication through social networks.

Time is going so fast that in the blink of an eye we were standing celebrating graduation day.

My friends and I during my graduation day in the gardens of the university.

All these months taught me that persistence and discipline are important factors for success. We don’t always have the encouragement and time that studies demand and it is so easy to give up on a goal because of fear or lack of trust, but that is where we must remember that not everyone has the same opportunities as us and that knowledge is the power we need to change things.

We must always surround ourselves with our family and positive people who encourage us to be better.

My mother and sister to whom I dedicate this triumph

The graduation day was one of the best days of my life because I not only managed to finish my studies but I was also awarded for academic excellence, something that I waited for a long time, and that I hope will inspire more students to achieve their goals.

Once again, I am very grateful to the foundation that believed in me and gave me the privilege of representing Guatemala.

How you can support in your country

If you are a market researcher, a national market research association, an NGO involved in research or a university interested in a scholarship in your country please contact us at info@esomarfoundation.org

Partners & Sponsors

We are always on the lookout for partners and sponsors. If you are an organisation looking to understand more about how you can support us, please find more information here or contact:  info@esomarfoundation.org 

My Year’s Trifactor!

Blog post from Innocent Rwamba Nyaga who is following the MS in market research at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Innocent is the recipient of the ESOMAR Foundation / MSRA Scholarship sponsored by WIRe and Unilever.

As I’d mentioned in an article I’d written earlier this year, I was in the process of getting a definite thesis title. I finally settled on ‘The influence of social media on consumer buying behavior among MBA students at the University of Nairobi’. I chose this topic because I felt I was interacting with social media so often and I did not want a boring, exhausting project to handle. I am at the final stages of binding the project and getting ready for the December graduation. I am so elated I could scream (I have actually, a number of times)!! It has been a journey that’s worth sharing with my grandkids, God granting. I have learnt so much, most of which is patience and tunnel focus determination. Most days it was difficult to decide which was more important self, work or this project but I’m glad I pulled through.

On matters work, this year has been a tough one. From May 2018 the National Museums of Kenya (my employer) partnered with Google to digitize Kenya’s natural and cultural heritage housed in the institution. We digitized over 10,000 objects, created 16 virtual tours of our regional museums around the country, created over 100 digital stories based on the diverse cultures and beliefs of the Kenyan people and created 4 expeditions (Google expeditions) allowing visitors to virtually sample the various galleries highlighted using the Google virtual reality (VR) cardboard. All these and more you can find on https://artsandculture.google.com/project/kenyan-cultures and prepare to be blown away. This is an opportunity for all those that haven’t had a chance to visit my beautiful country, have a look-see!


The cherry on top is the unending favor, love, wisdom and joy attained from the Heavenly father! Prayers were (and still are) paramount for me to handle all the responsibilities placed on my lap. Many times, had it not been for this Spiritual dependence, I wouldn’t be here to pen the heights I’ve scaled. Even the way I received this scholarship was through His phenomenal, unexplainable ways that no one can comprehend but, that’s a story for another day. I am the first in my family to attain a master’s degree and I couldn’t be happier. I would like to say, Jesus is real, He’s alive and He has been my number one support system. That’s my year’s trifactor in a nutshell! On repeat all year round! What I feel now is immense relief and need some R&R in readiness for 2020!

Ciao! Innocent Nyaga