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Social Science Research and Field Work in Afghanistan

Many researchers around the world were shocked and appalled when Rafiq Ullah Kakar presented the case study on doing research in Afghanistan below. This article appeared in Research World in September 2012 further increasing the call from the industry to put a mechanism in place that could help the families of researchers facing these kinds of circumstances. In a sense this was the beginning of the ESOMAR Foundation.
Social Science Research and Field Work in Afghanistan
Danger, Courage and Creativity
By Rafiq Ullah Kakar

Afghanistan has faced continuous conflict, occupation and civil war since 1979. The aftermath has deeply affected the socio-political dynamics of the country. In this article we try to understand the meaning and nature of that everyday violence; investigate dangers in field work; highlight real-life examples of courage and creativity in the field, and explore how those can offer hope for a better future in this war-weary country.

Dangers in the Field

The security situation in Afghanistan is unstable and volatile. This causes many problems in the field. Access to participants and protecting researchers have been the main concerns of ORCA, the Opinion Research Center of Afghanistan. Gaining access to reliable and consistent data is difficult, due both to the complexity of the current political situation, and the reality of a mobile, displaced population. Nonetheless, researchers are trusted and well received by the community. Afghan hospitality ensures a guest is welcomed, and researchers are often local and known by  community elders and tribal leaders.

But recruiting researchers from within the community, and thereby building trust and reputation, take time and effort, expended in the face of constant threats of violence at the hands of the Taliban and other insurgent groups.

ORCA’s staff is well versed in these realities, and trained to counter any problems that might arise in the field. Still, in the last few years, the security situation has become worse, and ORCA’S field staff and monitoring supervisors have come under increasing threat. To date, a total of 91 armed attacks have taken place; these have resulted in 50 kidnappings, physical injury to 153 people, and the killing of 16 field staff. Additionally, there has been a rise in the number of physical harassments, warnings and beatings – they are now almost routine for the field team.


Table 2: Threats to ORCA Field Workers

The Sociopolitical Context in Afghanistan Today

The Taliban is still a viable political force in many parts of Afghanistan. During the mid 1990s, they institutionalised violence in the sociopolitical order. Afghans are somewhat familiar with violence, but never before had violence been used as a tool to abuse, punish and coerce ordinary citizens. The revival of the Taliban is a very dangerous prospect, not only for the future of research, but for the future of the country as well.

This article is about ORCA field workers who were lost due to Taliban attacks. As such, exploring the space that the Taliban occupies in the current sociopolitical context of Afghanistan is essential. According to the 2011 ORCA Nationwide Survey (N= 8,250), 47% of respondents reported that security issues like terrorism, suicide bombings and explosions are major problems in Afghanistan.

Table 3: The Most Important Problems in Afghanistan

Respondents varied in their perceptions of personal safety. More than half of the population feared for their personal safety, with 58% saying they often feared for their lives, and 27% saying they sometimes feared for their personal safety (or that of their families).

Table 4: Fear for Personal Safety

Courage and Bravery in the Field

Given the prevalence of violence in Afghanistan currently, fieldwork poses immense dangers. Following are two case studies:

Case Study 1, Kandahar Province

In 2010, armed insurgents from the Taliban killed Hosay Sahibzada, a brave 19-year-old ORCA interviewer from Kandahar. Ms. Sahibzada was known for her commitment to public opinion polling, and was one of the best interviewers ORCA had in Kandahar city. The Taliban had already warned her twice not to work for ORCA, but she continued with her work undeterred. On April 14,2010, the Taliban stopped the vehicle she was travelling in and killed her on the main road in the 2nd Nahia of Kandahar City. She died for a better future for Afghanistan.

Case Study 2, Baghlan Province

Hashmat Ullah received the ORCA “Best Field Supervisor of the Year” award on April 22, 2010.  He participated in a briefing session at ORCA HQ on Aug. 26, 2010, and left for his province the following day. He conducted a training session for his interviewers and launched field work on Aug. 28th. On the same afternoon, he was killed by the Taliban. They had warned him to stop doing research (the Taliban perceive doing research as spying for the Americans). Hundreds of people, including ORCA representatives, attended his funeral. He was buried at the age of 32, in front of his home, on Aug. 29, 2010.


Rafiq Ullah Kakar is co-founder of ORCA in Afghanistan

The Opinion Research Center of Afghanistan (ORCA) was established in 2007. It strives to establish a culture of research in a country that has gone through prolonged conflict, factional fighting and trauma.


First Grant Issued to Skateistan

As part of its official launch, the Foundation presented its first grant to Oliver Percovich, ESOMAR Congress 2013 Keynote and Executive Director of award-winning NGO, Skateistan.  Using skateboarding as a tool for empowerment, Skateistan connects youth in Afghanistan and Cambodia to education through the sport of skateboarding. Over 50% of the students are street-working children and 40% of those attending the organisation’s schools are girls.

Percovich stated:

We’re very honored to be the recipient of the first grant from the ESOMAR Foundation. This generous grant will help us to continue providing new life opportunities to some of the hardest to reach girls and boys in Afghanistan.


It was with great pleasure that I handed over our first grant to Oliver and Skateistan

said Gunilla Broadbent (President of the ESOMAR Foundation) .

What he and Skateistan have accomplished in war-torn Afghanistan is a true inspiration to all of us and nothing short of amazing. We are delighted to contribute to Skateistan’s cause.

Pravin Bike

Pravin Shekar cycles 1000 km

A word from Pravin Shekar…

If I am not for myself, who else is for me?
If I am for myself alone, what am I for?

These two questions form the basis of my existence.These two questions resonate very much for our industry, all of us, and those who are put in harm’s way in the line of duty.

The ESOMAR Foundation has been founded to help researchers in need. Assistance includes professional development, training, technology and money!

The Foundation is here to connect market researchers to each other, and it’s also aimed to help market research make a difference in the world. From exciting plans to support local charities working in the cities we attend our fantastic ESOMAR events, to helping those wanting a future in our industry to get through the door, ESOMAR Foundation has to be OUR foundation and it can only work with OUR input!

It is our job as custodians of the industry to stand together, in support of the wider community. To do our bit to secure our future and that of future researchers, insight managers, brand creators, data scientists.

Some numbers to start with:

  • 1000, 8, 1, x
  • 1000 Kms
  • 8 Days
  • 1 Cyclist
  • A lot of supporters

I will be cycling 1000 Kilometers in 8 days across the plains and mountains of my home state, TamilNadu, India.

I believe in the cause of the ESOMAR Foundation and am doing this cyclothon to raise awareness about the Foundation and to collect donations and pledges.

I ask you to spread the word about the Foundation and reach out to the bottom of your hearts (and your wallets .

Donors can donate:

  1. Money (for example: €0,10 or more for each kilometer covered, or €5 for 1 km… your choice!)
  2. Time (pledges to donate one week slots for training/workshops in remote areas).
  • You can submit your pledges to the Foundation below, or contribute as little or as much as you can in money terms!

Think about it…: 1000 Kms on my rather voluminous butt..on segments that have no roads..on mountains that are aimed at the sky..and 8 days of non-stop pedaling.

I hope that kindles some emotion that makes you dip into your pockets – This is the Season of Giving

All for one and one for All – ESOMAR Foundation.
