ESOMAR Foundation strives for Better Results!
New Orleans, 18 September 2016…join us!
Social research (including opinion and political research) accounts for approximately 3.5 billion USD (GMR 2015) to the industry annually. This is not the largest area of research spend but it is, arguably, one of the areas of research which has the largest direct social impact. The ESOMAR Foundation’s Better Results program is an innovative cross-sector program where we explore ways to apply research methodologies and expertise to the non-profit sector’s work so as to help them improve the measurement of their results. The non-profit sector faces a number of challenges in this area including growing demand to measure impact and results, dissatisfaction with the use of findings to improve the delivery of new programs and the lack of adoption of new innovative technologies. The most widely used techniques are in fact quite basic (Log Frame, KPIs and Focus Groups).
Join the ESOMAR Foundation volunteers to explore concrete methods and solutions that will help NGOs better measure and evaluate their work, allowing them to make better informed strategic and operational decisions. Hear from the NGO’s themselves on their challenges and opportunities and how they overcome them.
This highly interactive workshop will offer you:
- A different perception on research and how it can contribute to poverty reduction, social change and a sustainable development
- The tools and methods used in social research – in what circumstances they work and don’t work and what we as researchers can do to adapt and improve conventional research methods.
- What researching in (very) difficult environments can teach all researchers no matter where or what you are researching
- What are the next steps for improving the performance of the non-profit sector and how can we as an industry contribute to their goals.
Are you interested in participating at the ESOMAR Foundation workshop in New Orleans?
Read the full programme: ESOMAR FOUNDATION WORKSHOP – NEW ORLEANS 18 Septmber 2016.
In case you need more information about the ESOMAR Foundation workshop in New Orleans, please send us an email to: info@esomarfoundation.org.