Final year. First semester started almost a year ago in December 2019. I did good for the first part, I have attended every lecture and did my academic activities well. Although the final exam of the first semester was scheduled to be held in March, it was advanced to August due to the Covid-19 situation. During this period I started to learn everything about social media marketing and developed myself watching courses on Youtube. I spent my days studying about social media trends, how to market product through social media, search engine optimisation, content developments, etc. I didn’t waste the time enjoying with my friends, not that I could anyway.. I know that the social aspect is really important as well but I wanted to make the most of this time. Between the 17th and 28th of August I successfully faced the first semester exams.
Although the first semester exams were held in August, the second semester started before that, in June 2020. My department scheduled online lectures for all the students, with no lectures at the university. During this time, I have been assigned to carry out a research study as partial fulfilment of the dissertation of my B. Sc. Marketing Management (Special) degree. The name of my research study is “Impact of social media group engagement on healthy food choice and engagement of physical fitness activities”. I have decided to conduct this research study to address the prevailing problem of Obesity and Overweight in Sri Lanka. Though online lectures my supervisor guides me to carry-out the research study. These days I’m dedicating my full attention to my research studies because I have to submit the research report before the 28th of December.
During my leisure time I study more about social media platforms. Recently I have successfully completed the following courses “The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing” certified by Google Digital Garage and “Google Analytics for Beginners” certified by Google Analytics Academy.
At the beginning of this year I felt that 2020 will not be too good for me as I considered the pandemic will affect me deeply. Now I feel the time has gone very fast and the worst has passed. During this period I learnt new social media trends, new concepts, new subjects and gained a lot of new skills. Now I know that life is a challenge.. with the acquired new skills we are ready to pass any obstacles in the future and find it easier to adhere to changes.
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