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ESOMAR Foundation Making a Difference Awards – Winners announced!

We are thrilled to announce the winners of this year’s edition of our Making a Difference Awards.

The judges were impressed by the quality of the entries this year and, mindful of the UN’s injunction to ‘Leave no one behind’ which is the central, transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we have selected 3 winners based on the positive impact that the research conducted will have on the lives of vulnerable people.  Our winning projects address three specific and very important groups, the research identified ways in which they can be helped and supported to improve their life chances, and has had a significant impact:

Supporting the financially excluded – The Human Account – serving the financially excluded

Jasper Grosskurth, Dalberg Research, Kenya

Dalberg and the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation: The Human Account – The Human Account is a six-country multi-method research project designed to be a catalyst for new product development serving the financially excluded. The measure of success was the degree to which others worked with the data – which is publicly available – examples are given of utilisation in India, Myanmar, Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria by many different bodies.

Period poverty and its effect on young women – UK Period Poverty and Stigma

Kate Whiffen, Opinium, UK

Priya Minhas, Opinium, UK

Melanie Thienard, Plan International 

Opinium & Plan International: UK Period Poverty and Stigma – tackles the ‘toxic trio’ of issues that make up period poverty – lack of access to products, inadequate education and societal stigma – in order to empower young people into successful adulthood. The research has gained widespread media coverage in the UK and globally – specifically the work on the period emoji reached 4 million people on social media. Further, the research programme has changed the narrative in the UK by quantifying the extent of period poverty and its impact, and influenced policy makers and other key organisations to introduce policy changes.

Exploitation of Children – Understanding child trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in West Bengal, India – Knowledge, attitudes and practices among children, parents and community leaders in Bardhaman, Bankura and Birbhum

Sanghamitra Mazumdar, Seefar 

Malvika Dwivedi, Sattva Consulting

Seefar and My Choices Foundation: Understanding Child Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in West Bengal, India. The research resulting in the launch of the Safe Village Programme in three districts of West Bengal in February 2021. The campaign aims to improve knowledge and internalisation of key risks associated with CT/CSEC, and to promote the role that children, families and the wider community, can play in ending CT and CSEC

Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 Making a Difference Awards!

The winners are invited to present their case studies during the ESOMAR Insights Festival from 20-22 September 2021.

The ESOMAR Foundation wishes to thank all those who participated in the competition. We aim to promote and highlight the excellent case studies – to encourage the use of more insightful and inventive research for massively increasing the overall impact of market research in building a better world!


Will you make a difference also this time?

The 4th edition of the Making a Difference Awards is on its way! In just three weeks we will start reviewing the entries for these awards. We expect no less than the excellent case studies which won in 2020! The 3 winning cases were brilliant, strong and inspiring examples of research ‘Making a Difference’.

IN 2020 we aligned the best case stories with the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

SDG #3 – Good Health and Well-Being: A case study on public perceptions of schizophrenia

SDG #5 – Gender Equality: A study on the lives of typical rural Indian women aiming to understand the social norms, practices and relations and reveals the reasons that prevent them from achieving economic advancement

SDG #4 – Quality Education: A story on bullying at school and how effective market research contributed in making a ground-breaking difference, changing laws and altering perceptions

In summary, an excellent, thought-provoking and inspiring selection of case studies demonstrated the real value that research can bring to the Not-for-Profit sector in all areas of life.

Will you make a difference also this time? Inequalities and crises all over the world call for better handling of mankind. You can help bridging gaps and supporting the work and dedication of the many NGOs who are there to make a difference. We look forward to listening to your stories!




The Digital Youth will not succumb to Military Rule in Myanmar

Just as the fight against Covid Pandemic seemed to be almost over, a political crisis has drawn Myanmar’s economy close to collapse- but there is a capable, smart and ambitious young Generation willing to give everything to save it and they need our support.

When people in Myanmar woke up on the morning of February 1st, their life radically changed. Just days before, I had discussed with Myanmar friends and colleagues the likelihood of a military coup d’etat, as rumors were spreading of a hostile takeover before the newly elected Parliament took oath. At the same time, our industry, certainly bruised by the devastating effects of the pandemic was feeling optimistic with infection rates in clear decline for weeks and we were hopeful that the restrictions on travel and gatherings would be lifted very soon.

At that point, my colleagues and I concluded that a power grab by the military was unlikely, given that the military already wielded political and economic power in the country. According to the 2008 Constitution, they held a quarter of the seats in Parliament and the right to appoint 3 key Ministers. The military also controls large parts of the economy as they own huge business conglomerates that stretch from ICT, extractive industries, banks to consumer goods providing enormous wealth to senior army leaders. Seizing power, we felt, would have no point as it would clearly endanger the economic progress of the past decade initiated by liberalization and democratic reforms. At the same time, the Covid-19 pandemic had increased the number of households living under the UN poverty threshold by nearly 30% and about 75% of households had reduced income during the many months of lockdown.

Still, the Military took over and revived the nation’s collective trauma of 50 years of authoritarian and autarchic rule, resulting in widespread anger and a broad consensus: a return to military rule would no longer be accepted. At the forefront of the movement against dictatorship are the youth from Generation Z. They did not spend their adolescence under the military rule but still experienced its disastrous effects of bad education, low living standards and underdevelopment. They had the chance to taste freedom and democracy, growing up with relatively free media, access to internet, the freedom to travel within the country and abroad, career opportunities – and suddenly saw their dreams and future taken away from them overnight.

First flashmobs organized by Gen Z grew within days into thousands of people protesting nationwide and ignoring the newly implemented state of emergency that prohibits any assembly of groups. Like in Myanmar’s past, when students lead the uprising in 1988, it was the many young people who drew crowds to the streets, joined by their parents and grandparents who participated to fight for a better future for their children. Yet, this time the movement is different:  Six years ago, most Myanmar people had never been online as internet access was restricted, expensive and slow. These days, the protest movement quelled within a few days to every corner of the country driven by young adults who organized rallies via Facebook.

The pandemic has quasi helped the protest movement as people adopted a more digital lifestyle during the lockdown

Messages to boycott brands owned or in a JV with the military spread fast across social media. Apps that showed maps with increased police activity during protests circulated online along with guides on how to protect oneself on the street and from tear gas. Many of these guides were shared by young activists from other Asian countries who have come together under the Milk Tea Alliance, being united in their quest for democracy.

During the long stay-at-home orders people in Myanmar became even more tech-savvy, learning how to download streaming apps, had a go with online shopping and how to communicate via Zoom – preparing them to adopt fast to a new digital toolbox to brave the army in an unprecedented way.

Digital technology allowed people not just to organize activities quickly, but also to document the events and share the news with the world. While state-owned TV channels only showed pro-military propaganda, the peaceful protests- and later also the many human rights violations committed by the security forces- were filmed and shared by brave citizens simply using their smartphones. At the same time, Facebook helped to disseminate accurate information: posts of re-known independent media triggered nearly 15 million likes and up to 30,000 shares within hours. Hashtags such as #whatshappeninginmyanmar trended both on FB and Twitter.

In an attempt to dominate the narrative around the coup, the military soon blocked Facebook, Twitter and even Wikipedia.  The digitally literate youngsters quickly found ways to circumvent those restrictions by using VPNs and encrypted chat apps- easily outsmarting the old generation of army generals. The Military reacted by shutting down the mobile internet and public wifi for an indefinite time. Yet, youngsters found Bluetooth chat apps and other possibilities in the dark net to stay in touch and share with the world what is happening in Myanmar. Fiber connections at homes still work, though these are mainly owned by few affluent people in urban areas.

“You messed with the wrong Generation”

After months in lockdown, the initial protests had a carnival-feel to it. People were less scared about the virus than the prospect of returning to military rule. The objective of the protests was not just to show the disagreement with the military takeover but also to attract (international) media attention since many hoped for foreign help.

Again, the young generation showed creativity, boldness and humor in their costumes and banners all on display during the protests. Walking side to side with teachers, doctors, lawyers and other civil servants in their uniforms, we saw illustrious groups like pet lovers who came with their trimmed poodles, body builders, women in bridal dresses and even a person in a superman costume – a powerful way to create media attention.

The common goal to prevent military rule has united Myanmar society more than ever before. The different religious groups and ethnic people marched alongside with members from the LGBT community or punks. More recently, people have even publicly apologized to the Rohingya minority for not speaking out at the time when they were prosecuted by the military- breaking what was a big taboo in the country thus far. The coup further emboldened and encouraged individuals to show their ‘true’ identity, finding a voice and experiencing a feeling of togetherness in their common quest.

For several weeks now, the jolly happy atmosphere of the first protest weeks has turned into an endless nightmare. Security forces indiscriminately executed protestors by shooting them in the head and provoking widespread fear among the population through indiscriminate arrests, dragging people from their homes at night, beating them up, looting homes and shops and destroying any civilian property they find on their way.

When 19-year-old Kyal Sin, also called by her nickname Angel, left her home in Mandalay to join the protest one day she wore a black t-shirt with a front print reading ‘Everything will be OK’. That day she was shot in the head while taking cover from security forces who were firing live rounds on peaceful protesters. Her picture went viral globally. She epitomized this new generation, a brave young female who in the November 2020 elections had voted for the first time in her life, who dreamt of a better future and didn’t want to accept that her freedom could be taken away in a blink.

Many Myanmar people say they have nothing to lose as they are poor already and would rather die than to live again under military rule

 Most of us experience such uprisings as a 30-seconds-clip in the evening news. There are millions of courageous and determined people like Angel in Myanmar – and some of them also in our Industry. There are many young talents who are excited to do research, to discuss and monitor the social and economic changes happening in their country. Many (young) people are incredibly brave to risk their lives so they can go back to what this new Myanmar generation enjoyed so much –being safely with their friends and family, having freedom to say what they think and to express who they are, traveling, having fun, gaming, shopping, pursuing a career … you name it. Their future is at stake.

The objective of the Civil Disobedience Movement is to block the economy and make the country ungovernable to force the military out of politics. This is also affecting our industry as most research came to a halt due to security reasons. How long can agencies pay their staff’s salaries when they are no longer able to generate any incomes?

There is no fast solution to this crisis on the horizon. The World Food Program has already pointed to alarming effects on food security. The Research Industry that was built during the last decade is at the edge of a dangerous cliff. When I moved to Myanmar 9 years ago marketing and research talent was hardly existing. Young people worked hard to acquire necessary skills and absorbed all the trainings given to them – incl by the ESOMAR Foundation. All of us, including our clients, should stay committed to them and show that they have a future economy to believe in, that we stand with them.  One important way to do so is to keep Myanmar researchers connected to the outside world.  Let’s share industry developments, let’s keep our networks, our community and our discussions alive- young people thrive with food for thought, this is something we can easily provide- perhaps they even surprise us back with creative ideas and opportunities.

Once the situation allows, I am certainly committed to be back to help continue where we left it, building on the young talent we grew. I hope that the ESOMAR family will join me in that and, in the meantime, stand with the many brave people in Myanmar who just want to live a peaceful and prosperous life in freedom and democracy.

Marita Schimpl, ESOMAR Representative Myanmar, Managing Director, Myanmar Survey Research, Marketing Research

This article was first published on Research World on 31 March 2021

Submit your entry for the 2021 Making a Difference Awards

The ESOMAR Foundation’s annual Making a Difference Awards are now open for entries. Our annual Awards are a chance to applaud and reward the best examples of Market Research making a difference to the worlds Charities.

Through these awards, the ESOMAR Foundation aims to raise awareness of the impact of great research on the work of Charities, by offering a platform for these stories to be heard.

All Charity case studies, whether they are international, national or local and in any sector, are encouraged to apply.


  • It encourages excellence, educates and motivates the industry to produce great research on and for Charities
  • Share your work for mutually beneficial inspiration and learning.
  • The competition will highlight ‘Making a Difference’ case studies to increase the impact of market research in building a better world!
  • Your work will be promoted throughout the year on all our platforms
  • Win a category and an award
  • Winners get invited to present at the ESOMAR Insight Festival, the biggest global and digital event in the market research industry
  • It’s a fun, challenging, and exciting way to share your work.


  • All Charity cases are welcome whether they are international, national or local!
  • You may showcase any innovative and insightful research work
  • There is no limit of entries per author
  • Each case-study must have a separate application
  • If you’d like help from a research expert writing your submission, we can find a willing volunteer in your country


Check out the previous Making a Difference Competition winners


  • 15 May – Deadline for submissions
  • 30 June – Announcement to the winners
  • September – presentation at Insight Festival



20 November – Today we celebrate World Children’s Day!

Every child needs to be welcomed and defended, helped and protected, from the moment of their conception” 20 November 2020 Pope Francis

As last year, we want to celebrate the World Children’s Day by offering our readers and followers a few of the many examples of how solutions have been found and impact has been made on the lives of many children around the world with the help of the skills, knowledge and support of the data, research and insights community.

Safe Village Programs – Preventing Child Trafficking in Rural India 

The aim of the research was to understand these contextual factors and the roles of specific emotions and behaviours that enable these decisions. The objective of the research was to apply learnings from cognitive neuroscience and behavioural economics to understand and influence the behaviour of at-risk families and men who buy sex. This reflected a gap in terms of the current understanding of issues.

This research was conducted with the aim of preventing trafficking by sensitising, alerting and empowering at-risk families in source areas, and to stem the demand by changing the behaviour and attitudes of men at destination areas. Key considerations during the research were to ensure that the findings and insights can easily be extrapolated into applicable interventions on the ground.

This research was commissioned by My Choices Foundation, a Hyderabad-based NGO dedicated to ending violence, abuse, and exploitation of women and girls in India and conducted by Mumbai-based Final Mile Consulting

Driving Change in Behavioural Management – The Story of Ensuring Equitable Outcomes from Underprivileged Children


Parikrma Foundation is a Bangalore based NGO that caters to underserved kids. It runs schools and colleges throughout the city where it provides best-in-class education and other facilities for their holistic development.

The kids come from underprivileged backgrounds and carry a lot of behavioural traits picked from their communities into the school leading to disciplinary issues. Classroom disruption and violent behavior of some students that the disciplinary policy in force was ineffective in curbing, hampered growth of others.

While it seemed like an issue with the disciplinary policy, there was much more to it. Disciplinary policies are made keeping the desired behavioural outcome in mind, rarely does it consider the motivations of those on whom it is exercised. The idea was to look at it differently by keeping the students at the center and understand “why” they do what they do. (More about the study)

Successful parenting – Harnessing aspirations to save lives in rural India

India, one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, still loses 300,000 young lives each year to pneumonia and diarrhoea, diseases that we have the tools to prevent. If practiced together, hand washing with soap at key occasions (HWWS) and complete immunisation, two of the most cost-effective child survival interventions, could significantly reduce under 5 mortality. Lifebuoy, Unilever’s leading health soap brand and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, an innovative public-private partnership working to immunise children in the world’s poorest countries, came together to design an integrated communication platform called ‘Safal Shuruaat’. Translated as ‘Successful Beginning’, the program harnesses parents’ aspirations for their child’s success to help mobilise parents to hand wash with soap at key occasions, immunise their children and other key parenting behaviours.

The program aims to achieve sustained behaviour change in hand washing with soap and immunisation under the ‘aspirational’ umbrella of successful parenting as a communication platform to save lives of young children and help them reach a better potential while intervening in the first 2 years: bringing down the under 5 mortality rates. Safal Shuruaat is being implemented by a consortium led by GroupM, with Kantar as the research partner responsible for monitoring and evaluation.

How market research created words and changed worlds

Bullying. Happens to everyone, stoppable by everyone. This is a story of how effective market research contributed in making a groundbreaking difference, changing laws and altering perceptions. The audience was shocked to hear that before the campaign there wasn’t even a word for bullying in Egyptian Arabic. A diligent mission that would have never been possible without UNICEF Egypt and Marketeers Research.

The power of this study lies in the shareable and impactful output clips.

Reducing Child Mortality – A provider, a mother and a powder

Winner of the Most innovative Not-For-Profit case study of the ESOMAR Foundation Making a Difference Competition 2018. “With deep and nuanced understanding of what was driving oral rehydration salt (ORS) uptake, we developed a radically revised theory of how to increase the use of ORS to treat diarrhea in children. Instead of focusing exclusively on RMPs, programs should create demand for ORS by reframing caregivers’ perception of the treatment. This would help RMPs to bridge their “know-do” gap and prescribe ORS with confidence.”

This project was carried out by Surgo Foundation in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative

MaD Award Winners Session

Another record-breaking year; another record-breaking challenge for the jury. For the third edition of our Making a Difference Award Competition we have received a high number of quality entries, up 13 per cent on last year’s total. The jury had a very difficult job and found it challenging to select the winning case studies, as all of the projects were of incredibly high quality.

We aligned the best case stories – the Award Winners – with the UN SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) so that we can see the effect on progress with the goals in multiple areas. The 3 winning authors and their NGO counterparts took the virtual stage at the ESOMAR Insights Festival on three consecutive days. Their sessions were brilliant, strong and inspiring examples of research ‘Making a Difference’ and as a result were extremely well received by the audience. We’ll tell you what you’ve missed!

The first session featured the winners of SDG #3 – Good Heath and Well-Being: Çigdem Penn [Xsights], Elif Elkin [Abdi Ibrahim Otsuka Ilaç] and Haldun Soygur, MD, PhD [Federation of Schizophrenia Associations] with the brilliant case-study “Public Perceptions of Schizophrenia“. The study demonstrated the need for creating a difference to stop the stigmatisation of mental health patients, a corporate social responsibility perspective – through the collaboration of a pharmaceutical company an Non Governmental Organisation and a Research Company.

Prof Haldun Soygur from the Federation of Schizophrenia Associations

For the second session had covered the following paper ‘Providing earning capability and opportunity to rural women’, by Indu Upadhay, of Ipsos India and Sheela Iyer from Light of Life Trust India. They are the winners of Making a Difference – Gender Equality (SDG #5). The study touched the lives of typical rural Indian women, it aimed to understand the social norms, practices and relations and reveal the reasons that prevents them from achieving economic advancement. It identified ways in which the leading local NGO – The Light of Life Trust (LOLT) can address these barriers and increase women’s enrolment in its program as well as successful transition to employment. We certainly believe the project made a difference since it helped women fulfil their foremost aspiration of achieving greater financial security! Not only did Indu and Sheela put together an extraordinary case-study but an amazing presentation as well. 

Snapshot from their amazing presentation

The last day of the Insights Festival was for the winners of Making a Difference – Quality Education (SDG #4). Mariam Ghabrial from Marketeers Research and Johnathan Crickx from UNICEF Egypt delivered an exceptional presentation titled “How market research created words and changed worlds”. This is a story of how effective market research contributed in making a groundbreaking difference, changing laws and altering perceptions. The audience was shocked to hear that before the campaign there wasn’t even a word for bullying in Egyptian Arabic. A diligent mission that would have never been possible without UNICEF as well as national and creative partners. 

Aya is one of the faces of so many young people that decided to publicly take a stance against bullying

In summary, an excellent, thought-provoking and inspiring session which demonstrated the real value that research can bring to the Not-for-Profit sector in all areas of life. The winning case-studies and and the rest of the commended entries will be featured on this space in the coming months, so keep an eye out!

Research Got Talent Global Winner

During the recent ESOMAR Insights Festival the inaugural winner of the Global Research Got Talent competition was announced. The joint initiative centres around young researchers using market research to support NGOs and Charities in their local community to address meaningful social issues. For this first edition, the global ESOMAR and the ESOMAR Foundation joined hands with the Australian Association of Market and Social Research Organisations; the Peruvian Association of Market Research Companies; the Online Market Intelligence in Russia; with SIMAR, the market research association of Czech Republic and the Market Research Society of India.

After extremely successful pilot competitions in India and Hong Kong, this year was the first time we have brought this initiative to the global stage, this absolutely could not have happened without the logistical coordination and organisation of the above mentioned local Associations and their partners. After rigorous local competitions a winner team was selected from each participating country.

The winners of the local competitions competed in the global stage of the initiative. In the finals we had projects competing from all corners of the world which covered a multitude of social issues. The research project themes included assisting migrants and refugees in Russia, participation of young people in the Czech society, diversity and inclusion of the LGBTI community in Peru, holistic development of underprivileged children in Indian society and combating loneliness for elderly Australians in the face of COVID-19.

It was a great opportunity to learn more about how NGOs and Charities carry out their daily work and how they achieve their goals; it is slightly more rare for the community to hear about how actionable insights resulting from research can benefit a very wide range of stakeholders and add value to our societies.

The entries were extremely valuable and the final stage of the competition was a close-run affair. The global winner of the Global Research Got Talent competition was selected MediaCom Knowledge Team Russia composed of Anna Medvedkova & Olga Kotelnikova and Anna Makarova, Elena Onischenko, Alexander Matushko and Ilgiz Haziev.

Warm Congratulations to the winners of the Local Competitions:

Alfredo Valencia, Ipsos, & Luis Ramos, Universidad Catolica de Peru, Peru,

Stephanie Perry, Ipsos, Australia

Martin Řípa, Tereza Rösslerová & Vít Pavliš, NMS Market Research, Czech Republic

Karan Sabnis, Kantar, India

The jury for this global stage of the competition was comprised of experts from the Associations Executive Committee: Philippe Guilbert (Syntec Conseil), John Tabone (Canadian Research Insights Council), Reg Baker (ESOMAR North America ambassador), Dominique Servant (Chair of the Associations Executive Committee), John Smurthwaite (ESOMAR APAC Ambassador), Patricio Pagani (SAIMO – Sociedad Argentina de Investigadores de Marketing u Opinión), Pravin Shekar (MRSI – Market Research Society of India), Chris Farquhar (MRSHK – Marketing Research Society Hong Kong).

Together with our partners we hope that through this competition we can offer a global voice to all those charities and NGOs that do a tremendous job on the ground. We want to celebrate & promote greater use of good market research, in making a difference.

Making a Difference at ESOMAR Insights Festival

From Monday almost 5000 market researchers from all corners of the world have taken the virtual environment and registered for ESOMAR’s annual industry get-together. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on people’s lives and societies across the world and the ESOMAR Congress made no exception. The physical connections were replaced with digital ones under the umbrella of the Insights Festival, a truly global data and insights summit.

The winners of our third edition of the Making a Difference Awards will take to the stage to showcase how the best of research has made a significant difference to Not-For-Profits. The session will include 3 different presentations:

How Market Research Created Words and Changed Worlds with Mariam Ghabrial, Client Engagement Manager, [Marketeers Research] and Jonathan  Crickx [UNICEF]

Mariam Ghabrial has been working at Marketeers Research for the past five years, believing in the power of research, providing consultations that are pillared with strong market research to help empower businesses. Before treading into the world of market research, she explored the advertising industry. An experience that contributed to her passion for communication which helped her navigate better through the next steps in life.

Her words: “Adding my deep interest in psychology to the mix, it all comes back to the magnificence of the human mind and I believe finding the best way to communicate is a quest I embarked on, leading me to one of the accomplishments I’m most proud of … Utilising research to breakthrough cultural barriers and derive powerful communication messages that makes a true difference in the world, which I am looking forward to sharing with you today.”

Jonathan  Crickx is the Chief of Communication for UNICEF Egypt since July 2017.

“I am covering all aspects of communication and advocacy, from press releases to field visits, documentation of programme activities and social media. One of the most interesting aspect of this is the social and behavioural change campaigns we are leading in Egypt. Before that, I held similar position for the European Union in Palestine and Afghanistan. In a previous life, I was a journalist for the Belgian public TV news channel RTBF for 11 years. I am married and the lucky father of a wonderful 8-month-old boy. I enjoy listening to music, kitesurfing and diving.”

Pro Bono Research for Light of Life Trust: Providing earning capability and opportunity to rural women, Indu Upadhyay [Ipsos] India; Sheela Iyer [Light of Life Trust (LOLT)] Indi

Indu Upadhyay is a graduate in social anthropology and psychology. With a strong background in the study of human culture and behaviour, she is passionate about applying a people-centered approach to solving real world problems. Indu has a penchant for statistical research coupled with two years worth of experience in the market research industry. Her paper was featured as well in the local Research Got Talent competition in India.

Sheela Iyer has a major in Physics and a Post Graduation in Computer Software and Applications and was working in the software industry when the bug to do something meaningful stung and she switched to the development sector. It’s been over 5 years since she has been working with the Non profit, Light of Life Trust and is completely addicted to the feeling of contributing to the work to impact and transform lives for the common good of society.

Public Perceptions of Schizophrenia with Çigdem Penn [Xsights], Elif Elkin [Abdi İbrahim Otsuka İlaç] and Haldun Soygur, MD, PhD [Federation of Schizophrenia Associations]

Çiğdem Penn is an experienced researcher with twenty years of expertise in both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. She is well versed in both high-profile and international projects. A graduate of the London School of Economics and Political Science, Çiğdem started her career in management consulting and focused on change management and resistance to change. She then moved into market research and worked in two of the largest agencies in the UK. In 2006, Çiğdem started her own research consultancy, Xsights in London and opened the Turkish branch in 2010. She has been delivering results-driven research and consultancy projects ever since, both in Turkey and internationally.

Çiğdem is a member of ESOMAR, the Market Research Society and the Turkish Researchers Association and is the founding president of the Turkey and Nepal Business Council. Çiğdem has lived in Kathmandu for three years consulting with the United Nations, is now based in Turkey. Çiğdem Penn, a mother of three, is a frequent public speaker and an occasional columnist. She speaks French and English fluently.

Elif Elkin was born in İstanbul and graduated from Robert College and from the Chemistry Department of the Bosphorous University. She had her MBA at the Yeditepe University. From 2001 she held various positions in sales and marketing departments in Deva, one of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies in Turkey. In 2007 she was appointed General Manager and continued this role parallel to her position of Executive Vice President of Marketing & Sales in Deva until she joined Abdi İbrahim in 2009.

Elif has been serving as the General Manager of Abdi İbrahim Otsuka Pharmaceutical since January 2017. She is 40 years old, married and has 3 children named Bora, Nehir and Mira.

Prof. Haldun Soygur is the Chairman of the Board of the Federation of Schizophrenia Associations, of which he is also a founder. Believing in the value of close cooperation between service providers and service users in the provision of mental health services; From the beginning, he worked in the organisation of schizophrenia patients, their families and mental health professionals all together. He ensured the establishment of the Blue Horse Cafe (Mavi At Kafe) where schizophrenia patients work. He is still actively engaged in the correct recognition of schizophrenia in society, the fight against stigma and discrimination, and to offer the best possible treatment and rehabilitation opportunities for patients with schizophrenia.

During his tenure as the Clinic Chief at the Oncology Training and Research Hospital Psychiatry Clinic, where he founded and worked for ten years, he pioneered the establishment of the psycho-oncology discipline, consultation-liaison psychiatry services and the provision of mental health services for oncology staff. He served as the Head of Psychosocial Support Unit of the Cancer Advisory Board of the Ministry of Health for two years. He published as an editor Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders, Schizophrenia Treatment Guide, Basic Psychopharmacology. For the community, he published the books of Schizophrenia: Voices, Faces, Stories and Sleepless Children: Schizophrenia Articles.

If you are registered at the Insights Festival make sure you do not miss the the Making a Difference sessions.

ESOMAR Foundation Making a Difference Awards – Winners announced!

We are thrilled to announce the winners of this year’s edition of our Making a Difference Awards. We have received a large number of entries – all of which of great value for highlighting and promoting how the best of research has made a significant difference to Not-For-Profits. 

We had an overwhelming response and three winners were chosen by the expert jury. The judges considered projects that made the biggest difference to the most important issues of our time, as identified by the UN SDGs.

Congratulations to the winners of the 2020 Making a Difference Awards!


Making-a-Difference  – Good Health and Well-being

Public Perceptions of Schizophrenia

Çiğdem Penn, Xsights, Turkey

NFP Federation of Schizophrenia Associations


Making-a-Difference  – Gender Equality

Pro Bono Research for Light of Life Trust: Providing earning capability and opportunity to rural women

Indu Upadhyay, Ipsos, India

NFP Light of Life Trust (LOLT)


Making-a-Difference  – Quality Education

Anti-Bullying Campaign Progressive Copy Development

Mariam Ghabrial, Marketeers Research and Consultancy, Egypt



The winners are invited to present their case studies during the ESOMAR Insights Festival from 14-17 September 2020.



Among the entries there were a number of them which deserved a commendation for their excellent approach, so, we are particularly happy to announce the entries which were commended:

Why Don’t We Talk About This? Why Kenya needs to start talking about mental health

Paul Drawbridge, Be Forward Foundation, Kenya

Project Butterfly: Transforming Perceptions of Transgender People

Sarah Jenkins, Magenta, United Kingdom

Human Trafficking survey: Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine

Inna Volosevych, Info Sapiens, Ukraine

Street Sports Incubator

Mohammad Alomari, Jordan Youth Innovation Forum (JYIF), Jordan

The Healthy Priorities

Florencia Rojo, Fine Research, Argentina

The ESOMAR Foundation wishes to thank all those who participated in the competition. We aim to promote and highlight the excellent case-studies – to encourage the use of more insightful and inventive research for massively increasing the overall impact of market research in building a better world!