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From Panic to Pivot: A Practical Guide to Remote Programming (and Fundraising) for Charitable Organisations Operating during Times of Crisis

How can you be nimble in the face of events that impact the trajectory of your NPO’s mission? Challenges even in the best of times seem to emerge by the day and with them a call to pivot campaigns and adjust operations.

COVID-19 — the most recent and wide-reaching hurdle to date — has asked charitable campaigns to adapt like never before: adaption necessary to ensure operational longevity, economic health, and continued stakeholder support of charities and non-profits. And also undoubtedly leaving a lasting, seismic impact on our campaigns and communities.

In this discussion, we’ll evaluate the most pressing needs for Not-for-profit Organisations looking to survive and thrive while having to quickly pivot, weigh the opportunities (and options) for conscientious fundraising, and share how to leverage the resources your community needs now to ensure sponsorship dollars down the road.

Michelle has held executive and management level marketing and design positions in a variety of industries, from corporate to agency to nonprofit. Michelle is the Managing Director of Women in Research (WIRe), a nonprofit organization that champions diversity in the marketing research industry by arming women with the tools to develop professionally, build connections and stay inspired. She holds an advanced degrees in marketing and design and is a past recipient of the International Stevie Award for Women in Business, the Women in Business and the Professions World Award and the Best in Biz Marketing Executive Award. A devoted proponent of the arts, Michellevolunteers with a variety of community cultural activities and organizations. She lives in the mountains of Oregon in the U.S. with her husband, son, daughter, giant cat and tiny dog.

Jessica serves as the Marketing and Events Director for Women in Research, a non-profit who’s mission is to foster diversity in the Market Research industry. She received her MA in Critical Theory from Pacific Northwest College of Art and her BA from The Evergreen State College. Prior to her work with WIRe she served as a Thesis Advisor and Community Engagement Specialist at PNCA, assisting with the school’s vision of a more inclusive and accessible arts education. A lifelong proponent of slow and local food, she’s the co-founder of a community farmer’s market, has worked with organizations such as the YWCA in the service of eliminating racism and empowering women, and is a freelance content and writing coach.


Live webinar 11 May 2020, 17:00 C.E.S.T | 08:00 P.S.T



ESOMAR Foundation Webinar: Standing Out From The Crowd – NGO Marketing and Semiotics

The third sector is having an especially difficult time right now because of coronavirus. It’s hard to get donors to part with their money when they are worried about their own families and economic futures. But even before Covid-19, NGOs faced challenges of marketing themselves.

·         Challenges of differentiation. Some causes are rather over-crowded with similar charities so that it’s hard for the public to tell them apart.

·         Challenges of understanding donor motivation. In the private sector, brands are obsessed with consumer need. But where is the equivalent need in a potential donor?

·         Challenges of communication. Sometimes the marketing communications of an NGO are intended to say one thing but actually communicate something else to the public.

In recent years, a new form of research has become very popular with marketers. Its name is semiotics. It improves on traditional survey research in a host of different ways. Some of its key features are as follows.

·         It’s very cost-effective. Because it doesn’t usually involve asking consumers direct questions, you can do it for a fraction of the cost of a normal market research project.

·         It’s accessible. Semiotics is a craft skill that can be acquired by anyone who is motivated to learn. You don’t need specialist software or a degree in statistics.

·         The solutions it delivers are based on more than the preferences of individual donors. They arise from a deep understanding of mass culture. Donors aren’t all different from each other, their attitudes and opinions are formed by their membership of various cultural groups. With semiotics, you can address large audiences with culturally appropriate messages.

Dr. Rachel Lawes is the author of “Using Semiotics in Marketing” (Kogan Page, 2020), the very first book which provides a practical, step-by-step course in semiotics for marketers. In this webinar, designed especially for us, she passes on some techniques from semiotics that any NGO can start using right away to get donors on board and keep them there through difficult times.


Live webinar 13 May 2020, 17:00 CEST



Life is a river

That’s me! first from the right

This is the first blog-post from Chamari Jeewanthi Hapuarachchcige, who is following the B.Sc. Marketing Management degree program at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.

Life is a river. Why I’m saying that? Like the river passing through rocks, we also have to face lots of challenges in our lives. In my life, I have faced lots of challenges and probably I will have to face them in the future too. Because our lives are like a river traversing a valley and within this life journey we have to face problems it’s good to say, ESOMAR Foundation helped me face my life challenges well.

With this scholarship and with hard work, I could be able to get high academic results for my last semester with 4 A passes, one B plus pass and one C plus. End of the 3rd year my GPA was 3.25 which was a decline of my academic results compared with the previous year fact which happened due to the first semester results.

Now I am in my final student year at University of Sri Jayawardenepura following my academic studies with the support of my lecture panels and colleagues. I am preparing for the final year first semester examination which will begin in March and aiming to get high grades at all the exams.

Apart from the academic activities, I have actively participated in Vibes of Marketing -2020, event conducted by the Department of Marketing Management. I was a sub coordinator of the finance team where I coordinated 3 fundraising events: Back cover selling at university premise, Raffle draw, and Official vibes T-shirts. During my involvement in these events as coordinator, I had to face lots of challenges but finally we were able to deliver the event successfully. By taking part in these kind of events I am able to gain valuable experience which can eventually help me achieve my life goals.

Finally, I would like to thank again ESOMAR Foundation for offering me a this scholarship and offer great support on my academic activities as well as non-academic activities. Just like the river traversing a valley, I’ll achieve my life goals thanks to this support and my hard work.

Chamari Jeewanthi is following a B.Sc. Marketing Management (special) degree program at the Department of Marketing Management Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Chamari is the recipient of a scholarship funded through a partnership with global non-profit Women in Research (WIRe) and Unilever.

Partners & Sponsors



We are always on the lookout for partners and sponsors. If you are an individual or an organisation looking to understand more about how you can support us, please find more information here or contact:  info@esomarfoundation.org

Sri Lankan Vibes

That's me! Ayesh Maduranga Jayawardana
That’s me! Ayesh Maduranga Jayawardana

“Time is flying”, earlier I thought that it’s just another word but now I can realize it’s actually true. I am now in the first semester of my third year of university. Last year I achieved some of the goals I have planned. In the first university year, my GPA value was 2.77 but with some hard works and dedication, I was able to achieve a 3.43 GPA at the end of the second year.

At the end of the second year and beginning of the third, I had the opportunity to participate in several events organized by my department. INCEPTION, VIBES are some of them. VIBES is the biggest outdoor concert organized by a university in Sri Lanka.

These days I am trying to improve my communication skills. Striving to achieve this, because it’s very important for my future career. Together with my colleagues, I am planning our annual department trip, it is going to be a very interesting one. Last year it gave us lots of memories and we hope this one will be even more interesting because we know each other better than the previous year.

The third-year first-semester examination will begin in March so I have to prepare for it as well. These days I am giving more attention for studies because there are six subjects this semester for examination and I have to work hard for passing all of them. I would like to especially thank ESOMAR Foundation for offering me this Scholarship so I can freely focus on my studies.

me with some of my colleagues
me with some of my colleagues
VIBES - the biggest outdoor concert organized by a university in Sri Lanka
VIBES – the biggest outdoor concert organized by a university in Sri Lanka

I am in the middle of my university studies. In these two years left, I hope to develop my academic results and I also hope to participate in and coordinate as many events as I can. They help me become a practical marketer and I can learn so many things from these events. Our panel of lecturers gives immense support for doing all this. I would like to thank the ESOMAR Foundation and Sapio Research for the support offered to my education. It is a great help for my future and I can heavily focus on my main goals thanks to ESOMAR.

Ayesh is following a B.Sc. Marketing Management (special) degree program at the Department of Marketing Management Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. His scholarship was granted through a partnership with the global research consultancy Sapio Research.

Partners & Sponsors


We are always on the lookout for partners and sponsors. If you are an individual or an organisation looking to understand more about how you can support us, please find more information here or contact:  info@esomarfoundation.org

Celebrating the success achieved

There are not enough words to thank all the support received in these two and a half years from my family, friends and especially the ESOMAR Foundation and WIRe who generously gave me the support to study.

The last months were quite busy with activities, exams, hard work and the presentation of our final project which consisted of analyzing and delivering a marketing plan to a company that was dedicated to the production of cakes. The objective was to identify business opportunities and make improvements and recommendations to the business plan to increase profitability and brand awareness.

So we had to get involved from market research, creation of a new logo and a financial analysis that would allow the company to have a better offer than the competitors.  We also had to focus on the digital and social networking strategy which is a global trend.

My team and I the day of the final exam. The cake represented the learning through books and the cupcakes represented the importance of brand communication through social networks.

Time is going so fast that in the blink of an eye we were standing celebrating graduation day.

My friends and I during my graduation day in the gardens of the university.

All these months taught me that persistence and discipline are important factors for success. We don’t always have the encouragement and time that studies demand and it is so easy to give up on a goal because of fear or lack of trust, but that is where we must remember that not everyone has the same opportunities as us and that knowledge is the power we need to change things.

We must always surround ourselves with our family and positive people who encourage us to be better.

My mother and sister to whom I dedicate this triumph

The graduation day was one of the best days of my life because I not only managed to finish my studies but I was also awarded for academic excellence, something that I waited for a long time, and that I hope will inspire more students to achieve their goals.

Once again, I am very grateful to the foundation that believed in me and gave me the privilege of representing Guatemala.

How you can support in your country

If you are a market researcher, a national market research association, an NGO involved in research or a university interested in a scholarship in your country please contact us at info@esomarfoundation.org

Partners & Sponsors

We are always on the lookout for partners and sponsors. If you are an organisation looking to understand more about how you can support us, please find more information here or contact:  info@esomarfoundation.org 

My Year’s Trifactor!

Blog post from Innocent Rwamba Nyaga who is following the MS in market research at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Innocent is the recipient of the ESOMAR Foundation / MSRA Scholarship sponsored by WIRe and Unilever.

As I’d mentioned in an article I’d written earlier this year, I was in the process of getting a definite thesis title. I finally settled on ‘The influence of social media on consumer buying behavior among MBA students at the University of Nairobi’. I chose this topic because I felt I was interacting with social media so often and I did not want a boring, exhausting project to handle. I am at the final stages of binding the project and getting ready for the December graduation. I am so elated I could scream (I have actually, a number of times)!! It has been a journey that’s worth sharing with my grandkids, God granting. I have learnt so much, most of which is patience and tunnel focus determination. Most days it was difficult to decide which was more important self, work or this project but I’m glad I pulled through.

On matters work, this year has been a tough one. From May 2018 the National Museums of Kenya (my employer) partnered with Google to digitize Kenya’s natural and cultural heritage housed in the institution. We digitized over 10,000 objects, created 16 virtual tours of our regional museums around the country, created over 100 digital stories based on the diverse cultures and beliefs of the Kenyan people and created 4 expeditions (Google expeditions) allowing visitors to virtually sample the various galleries highlighted using the Google virtual reality (VR) cardboard. All these and more you can find on https://artsandculture.google.com/project/kenyan-cultures and prepare to be blown away. This is an opportunity for all those that haven’t had a chance to visit my beautiful country, have a look-see!


The cherry on top is the unending favor, love, wisdom and joy attained from the Heavenly father! Prayers were (and still are) paramount for me to handle all the responsibilities placed on my lap. Many times, had it not been for this Spiritual dependence, I wouldn’t be here to pen the heights I’ve scaled. Even the way I received this scholarship was through His phenomenal, unexplainable ways that no one can comprehend but, that’s a story for another day. I am the first in my family to attain a master’s degree and I couldn’t be happier. I would like to say, Jesus is real, He’s alive and He has been my number one support system. That’s my year’s trifactor in a nutshell! On repeat all year round! What I feel now is immense relief and need some R&R in readiness for 2020!

Ciao! Innocent Nyaga


ESOMAR Foundation Webinar: Measuring The Imagination

For our 4th Webinar of 2019 in the series: Advanced Research Techniques, we bring you some really new thinking: using the imagination of your audience to get them to really understand what you want to achieve and be inspired to help you.

Leigh Caldwell has long been at the forefront of research thinking – he was applying the theories of behavioural economics before the rest of us had even heard of it! And his new approaches and applications are truly pushing the boundaries of modern methods.

The latest discoveries in neuroscience, psychology and behavioural science tell us that people use their imagination a lot more than we used to think. It is not just for playing games or making up stories: the imagination is a crucial tool in making decisions, planning our future, remembering the past and even in how we perceive the world around us.

Consumer brands are starting to measure the imagination of their customers in order to optimise their marketing and product design. But these new discoveries could be even more important for NGOs and charities.

Your relationships with donors, supporters and volunteers are based largely on how they perceive and imagine the outcomes of your work. So to design your communications, fundraising strategy and even the way you deliver your services: you need to measure their imagination.

Leigh Caldwell will talk about the new science of the imagination, including “System 3”, the third component of the brain. He will show how you can create a map of how your audience imagines the world, and put your organisation in the perfect place in that map – to generate the greatest engagement, highest donations or most passionate support.

Register for our Webinar on Nov 21st and learn something really new and different. It’ll certainly make you think!

Leigh is a cognitive economist and founder of Irrational Agency, which leads the insights industry in turning the latest science into powerful market research tools. His book The Psychology of Price shows how to apply behavioural economics to pricing strategy, he has presented several times at ESOMAR Congress, as well as at the world’s leading scientific conferences in psychology and economics, and he was featured on the inaugural GRIT Future List in 2019.


Live webinar 21 November 2019, 17:00 CET




Back to School: My Senior Year has Finally Arrived!!!

My name is Esther Tot. I am 21 years old. I am a young Cambodian lady that received a scholarship awarded by the two amazing Data Research industries, ESOMAR Foundation and Women in Research Organization. These two organisations have helped me since my first day in university and now I am in my 4th year and they are always here supporting me throughout my education journey.

This is my follow-up story:

I can’t believe that I am in Year 4! the final year of university life. From my first to the third year I always wished I could graduate soon, but I’m finally in my year 4 and I can feel that it is going to be over soon, and I don’t want it to be over! I start feeling like I’m going to miss school, missing all my teachers, my friends, and school volunteer events and meeting new foreign friends, seminars, and especially all the fun exchange programs. Now I have just figured out that I never expected my uni-life to finish this soon. My aim is to apply to continue my master’s degree abroad wherever possible according to God’s plan.

I honestly have no idea what journey awaits me in this semester, but I am trying my best to prepare for it. Nonetheless, I have great news! I have passed all the subjects in the last semester of my 3rd year. I was so scared that I would fail Finance class but – thank God – I passed it all! I am so proud of myself that I continue to improve and survive this university life. They say, Life will move on even though you wanted it to or not, so I either move along through life or I get stuck in my pathetic pass. I quit my part-time teaching job as I needed more time to focus on my studies, especially on my Finance class. However, I am ready to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. I hope I could get one good career during my internship or when I will graduate. I always wanted to open up my own business, but I have no budget. I also want to work in the embassy and become an ambassador one day…

In conclusion, I would like to encourage all young ladies to be free to dream a big dream and work toward achieving it. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. Remind yourself that you can! Because achievement can depend on your thought as your thought influence your action. Be brave, be confident, step out of your comfort zone and achieve your goal.

Lastly, I want especially to say thank you to ESOMAR Foundation and Women in Research! They are the amazing data & insight research industry organisations that are giving me the opportunity to change my whole life. This is the most amazing gift that I have ever received. It is a life-changing gift from heaven. These two organisations have helped change a lot of young citizens’ life and offer them a good education for a future career.

Partners & Sponsors

We are always on the lookout for partners and sponsors. If you are an individual or an organisation looking to understand more about how you can support us, please find more information here or contact:  info@esomarfoundation.org


Research for Charities Seminar

As ESOMAR Foundation we organised a special session for NGO’s to attend Congress on Tuesday, Sept 10th – first of all to listen to the Congress Social research session – The Public Superheroes – then participate in a workshop, followed by the Making a Difference presentations and Awards.

So – a great opportunity for Charities to see 7 great case studies on how research is used in the not-for-profit sector, and to discuss their specific research ‘issues’ with us. The ones who accepted our invitation were a mix of local and international representatives from local and international charities and organisations.

The purpose of the workshop was two-fold, firstly to understand the research issues of NGOs’ and secondly to work out how we, as ESOMAR Foundation, could help. And, as always the results were unexpected and fascinating! First of all, we learned that their main issue is communication – though there are some research gaps that we could definitely help them to change the culture quickly.

We learned how difficult it is to change culture quickly – even armed with great research. How it works better to start with examples that people can identify with – rather than trying to stretch them too far. So if you want to change traditional attitudes to girl’s opportunities (education/marriage etc) sometimes it works to start with more general stories about children’s aspirations including boys. A great example was a story about a boy whose father was a wrestler and wanted the boy to follow in his steps – but the boy wanted to be a ballet dancer. Drawing parallels between the skills required for both jobs (agility, strength, balance, etc.) made people think and resonated better than a story about a girl who wanted to be a lawyer.

Or changing the emphasis of Family Planning communications onto men rather than women – the benefits to them – spend more time with your children when they need you, have more resources for each child, it’s better for your wife not to have a baby every year, etc. – works better than communicating to women.

Or if you want to restore a beautiful garden/park – rather than emphasising sentimental memories of time spent there as children – get people to think about how they would feel if it became a multi-story car-park.

So lesson number one – if you want breakthrough – it sometimes works to be shocking – turn something on its head – do the opposite of the expected.

If you are trying to maintain interest over the long term – for example, those affected by the Rwandan genocide are still affected decades later – particularly with mental health issues – perhaps you can tap into current trends in the UK.

We also discussed and shared with delegates –  the work that System 1 has done which shows that Charity Advertised is mostly ineffective – because donors/NGO workers demand messages when what is required is emotion.

From the side of research issues – particularly in developing markets there is a shortage of research capacity – by training individuals as quant and particularly qual interviewers we can benefit NGOs’ and the also give skills to individuals to develop their work and career opportunities. In particular, those who have experienced the problem (homelessness, domestic violence, mental health problems, etc) are frequently the best people to interview/mentor those suffering currently. So we think we will develop a peer-research training system/qualification. It could be of benefit to so many people everywhere. (After all, I believe that everyone should have research skills!)

We had an excellent discussion – everyone learned a lot – and were further inspired by the Making a Difference award-winning presentations.

Author: Phyllis Macfarlane, ESOMAR Foundation Founding Board Member

Communications in Research – Part2: Tell Your Story

On the 9th of July, ESOMAR Foundation hosted the 3rd webinar of the series Advanced Research Knowledge and Insights for Not-For Profit Organizations. The webinar zeroed in on the often-overlooked ingredient of every successful research project: communications. The online event was hosted by Phyllis Macfarlane, ESOMAR Foundation founding board member and featured Kai Jimenez, long-time communications professional now with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). This is the second of the 2-part series of tips and tools on how to upgrade your NGO’s communication and storytelling capabilities.


Tell Your Story

  1. Focus on the insights and human truths beyond the statistics.

Sometimes, we can get so enamored by our research project, or so engrossed in the new data we have at our fingertips, that we make the mistake of assuming that everyone is as enthusiastic as we are about the numbers. Unfortunately, that is simply not true, and it is even less true when the audiences we address are not technical experts in the same field.

This is why the focus in the way you communicate your research findings should be on the insights, not just the statistics. Insights are truths that you find by analyzing the data within the bigger context of other research, your field, or even human nature. These insights are what can be used to drive action or inform decisions, so use the data to prove your point or add information, but zero in on the insights to stay useful and relevant.


  1. Use the story of one to share the truth of many 

There is a famous though morbid line that goes, “one death is a tragedy, but a million deaths are a statistic.” As cold and depressing as this may sound, it reveals the way people process information. At some point, the numbers become too big for human minds to imagine, so even if the data is about something that we would otherwise feel strongly about, we tend to forget about the people that make up these large numbers and are unable to care deeply about what is being said.

This is why one way to strike a chord in the hearts of audiences is by using the story of one to share the truth of many. By presenting the data on the scale of the individual, audiences are given the space to empathize with the community’s experiences, sympathize with their plight, and ultimately build affinity with your advocacy.

There are several ways to go about this. The most common way would be to pick out interesting and resonant quotes from the interviews, focus group discussions, or any other qualitative data sets available to include in the report. Another way would be to choose a person who took part in the study and ask them to share their personal story, or even to create a fictional person to embody the average or typical person according to your research results. Whichever way you choose, remember to make sure that the story that is highlighted is actually representative of the results. Do not use outliers as it may only lead to confusion and misconceptions. In addition, if you choose to share the stories of real people, ensure that the way you share the story is not exploitative, and that informed consent was obtained to publicly share their own experiences. The goal should always be to amplify the voices of those who would otherwise go unheard.


  1. Use every relevant touch point to engage with your stakeholders

One of the most important assumptions that is always held true in the communications industry states that the most trusted businesses, industries, and brands are those that the public most frequently interact with in meaningful and relevant ways. This belief is backed up by many studies in many countries over time. This is why to build trust among your stakeholders and to get them to advocate for or contribute to your cause, it is important to repeatedly engage them through touch points that are relevant to them to convey stories and messages that are resonant with them.

Today, there are a multitude of ways to reach your audiences through different platforms, but because resources are not infinite, it is important to streamline and prioritize the channels that would yield the best results. To do this, return to your stakeholder map and understand the behavior of your stakeholders to correctly identify the most important touch points for your target audiences. Are you reaching out to millennials who spend 4-5 hours on the internet? Then social media might be the best way to reach them. Are you targeting high net-worth individuals? Then it might be better to make an impression in person through strategically chosen events. Only by knowing and understand your audiences can you choose strategically the best ways to reach them to create the best possib

About the Author:

Kai Jimenez is a researcher, strategist, and all-around storyteller. She recently transitioned into an international development neophyte, working to promote gender equality in Mongolia with the UN Population Fund. Prior to this role, she built her career in the private sector specializing in development and corporate communications, business strategy and innovations, and research and analytics. Her last role was to concurrently head the Corporate Development unit and the Research & Analytics unit of The EON Group, a multi-awarded public relations firm among the world’s top 250. She holds a Master’s Degree in Political Economy and gives talks on branding, storytelling, a and research in local and international forums.


Missed out the presentation? You can still check it here.