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A relative of a Covid-19 fatality wears personal protective equipment (PPE) while sitting on a bench outside a cremation hall at the Nigambodh Ghat crematorium in New Delhi India, on Monday, April 19, 2021. India has the world’s fastest-growing Covid-19 caseload behind only the U.S. in terms of total numbers. Photographer: T. Narayan/Bloomberg

India is in the midst of a devastating second wave of the pandemic, which is personally impacting many colleagues in our industry.

Many thanks to SampleCon for initiating THE HEART OF INSIGHTS: INDIA INITIATIVE fundraiser. Through a partnership with the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, this 2-week industry-wide campaign will focus on raising funds to purchase oxygen concentrators and other medical equipment desperately needed in India to combat the COVID crisis. A $500 donation will purchase one oxygen concentrator. The Heart of Insights initiative has already donated 21 oxygen concentrators – will you help us increase this number?



Pravin Treasurer

Support the Foundation in a 50k Ultra run!

Pravin Shekar, Treasurer of ESOMAR, is a passionate supporter of the ESOMAR Foundation’s drive to enable the potential of market, social, and opinion researchers to achieve social good.

To prove it, last year, Pravin organised a 1000km bike-a-thon which raised the ESOMAR Foundation’s first EUR 1000 donation enabling it to fund half-a-dozen deserving charities throughout the world.

This year, Pravin Shekar is participating in a 50k Ultra run in support of the ESOMAR Foundation’s planned programmes in 2015. An ultra is any run beyond a ‘marathon’ distance of 42.2k.

Help us to continue to support local charities throughout the world to achieve their social aims. Help us to provide support to research families in need.

Pravin BikeEmpower us to support social projects of market, social, and opinion researchers, to provide access to affordable basic training on market, social, and opinion researcher and support us to bridge the worlds of market research and the philanthropic sector.

Support Pravin Shekar and through Pravin, support our vision for a better future for all of us.

Make a donation on our website

Or donate through the special GoFundMe page.