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ESOMAR Foundation Annual Report 2019

The ESOMAR Foundation 2019 Annual Report and Financial Statement is out!

Starting with the end of 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed, and will continue to change, the world in an unprecedented way. Charitable organisations across disciplines and sectors are facing unforeseen challenges during the pandemic, the impacts of which will likely be lasting and ESOMAR Foundation makes no exception. We know the work we do is even more relevant than when the organisation was founded. We continue to deliver high-quality work that is valued by the Not-for-Profit sector and by the market research community in contribution to development cooperation between the two industries.

In 2019, we have focused our resources on fostering connections between the two sectors by bringing together their representatives, awarding scholarships, celebrating the best of research and expanding our Programmes. We have stimulated cooperation through partnerships and specific activities which engaged the market research industry and beyond.

At operational level, the Foundation was able to achieve a good number of results, with the help and support of our ‘Coalition of the Willing’ members. The quality and dedication of our extended network of supporters has helped us deliver existing work effectively and develop new projects, extending our good reputation.

In this report you can read about the exciting steps our programmes have taken in 2019 to support individuals and Not-for-Profit organisations throughout the world. From our training activities, the continuation of the scholarship grants and the Making a Difference Awards to the recently launched Research Got Talent Initiative, our activities took significant steps towards catalysing cooperation between the data, insight and research industry with the non profit sector.

A special Thank You!

It goes without saying that we could not survive without the generous help and support of the many donors, supporters, friends, ambassadors and partners that demonstrate how much they care for us! So, we’d like to take this opportunity to warmly and sincerely THANK YOU ALL for ensuring that together we can pursue our mission of contributing to a better world.


Research Got Talent Russia – Winners Announced

The global ESOMAR Foundation and the general partner of the competition in Russia The Platform for Social Change ‘todogood’ announce the winner for the Research Got Talent Russia competition that was conducted on June 19.

The competition encourages young professionals to use market research and insights to support local charities and NGOs to overcome pressing social issues. There were 16 teams made up of young researchers below the age of 35 from different companies, research agencies, and universities in Russia. Each team was allocated a charity/NGO at random; they were required to submit a project proposal about the issue facing the charity/NGO and how they would conduct research to assist them to overcome this issue. Entries were required to reflect a relevant, innovative, and impactful research design project that assesses the organisation’s specific issue. The research projects in the competition aimed to assist change in a broad range of areas and detailed analytic reports were then produced. The research project themes included preserving cultural heritage, assisting migrants and refugees, supporting children with illnesses, and even researching the real and potential audience of mini football.

‘It is important that Russian sociologists are ready to actively work with the non-commercial sector. The teams prepared a detailed analysis concerning the most relevant and important questions of the NGO’s; the quality of the research is the result of the professionalism and enthusiasm of all teams’ – noted Alexander Shashkin, ESOMAR Representative in Russia, CEO of OMI (Online Market Intelligence).

The three finalists were announced, and the winner was the MediaCom Knowledge corporate team for their work in association with Committee for Civil Initiatives. The NGO seeks to support migrants and refugees, providing them with necessary documents, as well as standing up for their rights by changing the attitude that the government and society have towards them. The aim of the research was to identify a portrait of potential private donors for the NGO. The answers of 2,000 respondents were recorded and an analytic report subsequently produced. The tip of the iceberg, some important figures and conclusions, were then shared during the videoconference. For example, the research showed that although only 2% had donated to support migrants and refugees over the past year, although 26% are ready to help if provided with enough information about the cause.

The committee head of Committee for Civil Initiatives, Svetlana Gannushkina, was very pleased with the results of the research: ‘I want to say a huge thank you for the work. As you have heard, we are working with migrants and refugees, and this is a group that experiences xenophobia all over the world. It is a moment of joy for me, as the group (of researchers) provided the information that the public in Russia is not lost for us and is willing to help this cause.’ 


The silver medalists were the Truestory team who worked with Samara Hospice NGO. The NGO has an inpatient stationary unit as well as a network of ambulances and consists of doctors and nurses who care for patients with palliative statuses who cannot be cured. The aim of the research was to investigate the scale of opiophobia in society and in the healthcare community as well as to reveal the main obstacles in anti-pain therapy appointment and give the recommendations how to overcome them. One of the highlights of the research was that trained medics were more likely to consider living with pain an abnormality than other members of the society did. The research also showed that levels of opiophobia were not very high amongst the respondents.

The Reverse Influence team together with ORBI Foundation came in third place. Reverse influence is a corporate team of the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (WCIOM). ORBI Foundation is a specialized fund that deals with the problem of stroke in Russia. It helps people who have faced the disease and their relatives, supports medical institutions, and draws public attention to the problem of stroke. The research aimed to identify how much the public knew about the stroke and its effects, and to assess the quality of social support for those who suffered.

The Mediacom Knowledge team will now enter the final ESOMAR’s Research Got Talent global competition. Winners from each region participating in the global competition will present their work to an international audience at the special ESOMAR event in Autumn 2020. The winner will also be given the floor at the ESOMAR Congress 2021 to be held in Toronto, Canada.

The judges for Russia’s Research Got Talent Award competition included:

  • Maria Akulich / The Platform for Social Change ‘todogood’, Head of the NGO Department
  • Elvira Aleynichenko / Head of the Centre for Managing Social Innovations ‘GrantRafting’
  • Vyacheslav Bakhmin / Polytechnic Museum Foundation, Head of the Expert Council
  • Julia Bogdanova / KPMG, Senior manager
  • Olga Drozdova / Agency of Social Information, Head of the Programs
  • Igor Zadorin / NGO ‘Sociological workshop of Zadorin’, Founder and CEO
  • Ivan Klimov / Social Business Group, Managing Partner
  • Julia Romaschenko / Charities Aid Foundation Russia, Head of Programs and Donor Relationships
  • Roman Sklotsky / Vladimir Potanin Foundation, Director of the Centre for Philanthropy Development
  • Dmitry Sosnin / Committee for Civil Initiatives, Project Coordinator ‘Municipal Map of Russia: Areas of Growth’

ESOMAR Foundation and Todogood would like to acknowledge and thank the generous sponsors for helping make this exciting initiative possible: Oprosso – survey programming platform, OMI (Online Market Intelligence) – B2C online panel, LevadaLab – Telegram messenger research bot, Tiburon Research – online qualitative research platform, Top of Mind – surveys with doctors and nurses, UXPressia – UX research platform.

According to all participants of the final event, great work was done, and many members would like to continue to participate in the ESOMAR Research Got Talent initiative. The organizers are also planning to disseminate the knowledge that was created via local publications, webinars and the virtual library.

For further information:

Research Got Talent Russia



Fyodor Shashkin


Research Got Talent Australia Announces Winner


The Association of Market and Social Research Organisations (AMSRO) and the global ESOMAR Foundation today announced the inaugural Australian winner for the Research Got Talent Award competition.

The competition encourages young professionals to use market research and insights to support local charities and NGOs to overcome pressing social issues.

Three finalists were announced last month and the winner is Stephanie Perry from Ipsos for her entry – Reaching out to elderly Australians, in association with spur:org – that sought to address the loneliness and vulnerability that older Australians commonly experience.

The research projects in the competition aimed to assist change in a range of areas including gender inequality, access to justice and education, integration and diversity, environmental issues, and climate change. The young researchers were required to submit a project proposal about the issue facing the charity/ NGO and how they would conduct research to assist them to overcome this issue. Entries were required to reflect a relevant, innovative, and impactful research design project that assesses the organisation’s specific issue.

The other finalists were:

Stephanie Perry will now complete the project with spur:org and enter her final report in the Research got Talent global competition. Winners from each region participating in the global competition (six countries in total) will present their work to an international audience at ESOMAR Congress in September.

AMSRO Executive Director, Sarah Campbell, said: “Our judges were looking for projects that were innovative, addressed a prominent social issue and had the potential to make changes to the organisations they supported. The judges were unanimous in their decision on our Australian winner, Stephanie Perry, who delivered a clever, powerful and timely submission to address loneliness and social isolation issues with elderly people.

“We had an exceptionally strong field of entrants, many of whom addressed the COVID-19 pandemic and demonstrated the incredible value of research during times of crisis, and also highlighted the depth of research talent we have in Australia. As a result, a number of the entries are likely to be implemented over the coming months, which validates the overall quality of the submissions, their worthiness and applicability. The Research Got Talent Award competition is a great avenue for young researchers who really want to make a difference.”

The Research Got Talent Award competition was open to young research professionals aged 18-35, who are AMSRO member organisation employees or work for an ESOMAR Australian-based member (individual or corporate).

The judges for Australia’s Research Got Talent Award competition include: Dianne Gardiner, CEO, Bastion Insights; Caroline Tomiczek, Director, Urbis; Lisa Lewers, CEO, Lewers; Nora Hungershoefer, LUCID; Rob McLachlan, Chair, Kantar Australia and Sally Joubert, CEO, Luma Research.

Sally Joubert, AMSRO member and ESOMAR’s Australian representative said:
The Research Got Talent award competition aims to recognise young researchers, who want to make a difference. As recently witnessed via the outpouring of support for those affected by the bushfires, Australians like to give back. This competition provides a fantastic platform to enable young researchers to support a worthy cause of their choice, while simultaneously showcasing their professional talent. We are calling on all AMSRO and ESOMAR members to support this competition and young researchers. Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate your employees and company on the global stage”.

In support of those people affected by the recent bushfire crisis, 50% of all entry fees received were donated to The Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund.

For further information:

Research Got Talent Australia 


Research Got Talent Australia Finalists Announced


The Australian finalists for the Research Got Talent Award competition, the Association of Market and Social Research Organisations (AMSRO) and the global ESOMAR Foundation’s exciting new venture, were announced this week.

The competition, which has launched in Australia for the first time this year, encourages young professionals to use market research and insights to support local charities and NGOs overcome pressing social issues. The research aims to assist change in a range of areas including gender inequality, access to justice and education, integration and diversity, environmental issues and climate change. The young researchers were required to submit a project proposal about the issue facing the charity/ NGO and how they would conduct research to assist them in overcoming this issue. Entries were required to reflect a relevant, innovative, and impactful research design project that assesses the organisation’s specifc issue.

The finalists (in alphabetical order) are:

Finalists will go through to the next round of virtual judging on Wednesday 6 May 2020. One winner will be selected and entered into the Research Got Talent global competition. Winners from the global competition will take to the stage at the ESOMAR Congress to present their work to an international audience.

The competition is open to young research professionals aged 18-35, who are AMSRO member organisation employees or work for an ESOMAR Australian-based member (individual or corporate). Entrants can work individually or in a pair.

Sarah Campbell, AMSRO Executive Director, said: “The Research Got Talent Award competition is a great avenue for young researchers who want to make a difference. Our judges were looking for innovative projects that addressed a prominent social issue and had the potential to make changes to the organisations they supported.  We had an exceptionally strong field of entrants, many of which addressed the COVID-19 pandemic and demonstrated the incredible value of research during times of crisis. These young researchers have submitted excellent ideas and we look forward to the final round.”

Australian judges for Research Got Talent include Dianne Gardiner, CEO | Bastion Insights; Caroline Tomiczek, Director | Urbis; Lisa Lewers, CEO | Lewers; Nora Hungershoefer, CS Manager | LUCID; Rob McLachlan, Chair | Kantar Australia and Sally Joubert, CEO | Luma Research.

AMSRO and ESOMAR would like to acknowledge and thank all of the entrants for their outstanding submissions and their respective member organisations for supporting this new joint initiative.  We would also like to thank the generous sponsors for helping make the Australian competition possible – Lewers, Luma Research and LUCID.

In support of those people affected by the bushfire crisis, 50% of all entry fees received will be donated to The Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund.



The Association of Market & Social Research Organisations (AMSRO) is the peak body for the market and social research, data and insights industry. AMSRO works in partnership with its company members, plus privacy authorities, business, government and the community to protect and promote the industry and uphold the highest ethical and privacy market and social research standards. Since its establishment in 1989, AMSRO has grown to more than 90 members, who employ over 5,000 people, representing 70% of the industry’s annual (data collection) turnover.  In 2003, AMSRO pioneered its own privacy code for members, which won an Australian Privacy Award in 2009.  www.amsro.com.au

About the ESOMAR Foundation

The ESOMAR Foundation is a charity representing the Market, Social and Opinion Research industry. Our industry has a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be applied to every aspect of society to ensure a more transparent, reliable and sustainable world. The ESOMAR Foundation believes that a fair, just and peaceful society is deserved by all and recognizes the immense promise that the research community offers to those striving to achieve these goals on a global level. The ESOMAR Foundation brings volunteers and resources together to execute projects to help and support charities and NGO’s to achieve their aims. Its aim is to encourage the usage of more insightful and inventive research and increase the overall impact of market research in building a better world.

For further information:

Sarah Campbell | Executive Director | AMSRO


Research Got Talent Award Competition To Help Address Social Issues – Launches in Australia

The Association of Market and Social Research Organisations (AMSRO) and the global ESOMAR Foundation announced this week an exciting new joint project, the Research Got Talent award competition, focused on encouraging young professionals to use research to address prominent social issues.

AMSRO and ESOMAR’s aim is to recognise young researchers in the industry and showcase their work on the local and global stage.

Participation in the Research Got Talent competition will also foster closer relationships between competitors, local charities and NGOs, as participants are required to nominate a charitable cause to support as part of a practical research project.

The overarching theme of the initiative is the role of market research and insights play in supporting charities and non-profit organisations to overcome relevant and meaningful social issues. The research can focus on social issues such as gender equality, access to justice, education, improving the lives of people with disabilities, environmental issues and climate change.

Sally Joubert, AMSRO member and ESOMAR’s Australian representative, said: “The Research Got Talent award competition aims to recognise young researchers who want to make a difference. As recently witnessed via the outpouring of support for those affected by the bushfires, Australians like to give back. This competition provides a fantastic platform to enable young researchers to support a worthy cause of their choice, while simultaneously showcasing their professional talent.

“We are calling on all AMSRO and ESOMAR members to support this competition and young researchers. Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate your employees and company on the global stage.”

The competition is open to young research professionals aged 18-35 and will run from 3 February to 30 March 2020. Project proposals may adopt traditional research methods, as well as new methods, including data analytics and analysis.

Finalists will present at the AMSRO Leaders Forum in Sydney on 6 May, with one winner selected and entered into the Research got Talent global competition. Winners from the global competition will take to the stage in Toronto at the ESOMAR Congress 2020 and showcase their projects to international industry leaders.

Entries open at 9.00am on Monday 3 February 2020. For more information, visit: https://www.amsro.com.au/research-got-talent

Winners receive return flights (departing from an Australian capital city to Toronto, Canada) and free admission to the ESOMAR Congress. A cash prize is offered to the winner of the global competition.

The Research Got Talent Initiative was pioneered by market research associations in India and Hong Kong and saw great success in connecting a range of stakeholders and ultimately showcasing the positive impact of the insights sector.

To enter, visit the AMSRO Research Got Talent online portal here.

The first edition of the Research Got Talent Global initiative is coordinated globally by ESOMAR and ESOMAR Foundation and implemented locally by the following market research associations:


The Association of Market & Social Research Organisations (AMSRO) is the peak body for the market and social research, data and insights industry. AMSRO works in partnership with its company members, plus privacy authorities, business, government and the community to protect and promote the industry and uphold the highest ethical and privacy market and social research standards. Since its establishment in 1989, AMSRO has grown to more than 90 members, who employ over 5,000 people, representing 70% of the industry’s annual (data collection) turnover.  In 2003, AMSRO pioneered its own privacy code for members, which won an Australian Privacy Award in 2009.  www.amsro.com.au

About the ESOMAR Foundation

The ESOMAR Foundation is a charity representing the Market, Social and Opinion Research industry. Our industry has a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be applied to every aspect of society to ensure a more transparent, reliable and sustainable world. The ESOMAR Foundation believes that a fair, just and peaceful society is deserved by all and recognizes the immense promise that the research community offers to those striving to achieve these goals on a global level. The ESOMAR Foundation brings volunteers and resources together to execute projects to help and support charities and NGO’s to achieve their aims. Its aim is to encourage the usage of more insightful and inventive research and increase the overall impact of market research in building a better world.

Submit your entry for the 2020 Making a Difference Awards

The ESOMAR Foundation’s annual Making a Difference Awards are now open for entries. Our annual Awards are a chance to applaud and reward the best examples of Market Research making a difference to the world’s Charities.

Through these awards, the ESOMAR Foundation aims to raise awareness of the impact of great research on the work of Charities, by offering a platform for these stories to be heard.

All Charity case studies, whether they are international, national or local and in any sector, are encouraged to apply.


  • It encourages excellence, educates and motivates the industry to produce great research on and for Charities
  • Share your work for mutually beneficial inspiration and learning.
  • The competition will highlight ‘Making a Difference’ case studies to increase the impact of market research in building a better world!
  • Your work will be promoted throughout the year on all our platforms
  • Win a category and an award, receive a trophy
  • Winners get flights, accommodation & passes to present at the ESOMAR Congress in Toronto, the biggest event in the market research industry
  • It’s a fun, challenging and exciting way to share your work.


  • All Charity cases are welcome whether they are international, national or local!
  • You may showcase any innovative and insightful research work
  • There is no limit of entries per author
  • Each case-study must have a separate application
  • If you’d like help from a research expert writing your submission, we can find a willing volunteer in your country


Check out the previous Making a Difference Competition winners


Celebrating the success achieved

There are not enough words to thank all the support received in these two and a half years from my family, friends and especially the ESOMAR Foundation and WIRe who generously gave me the support to study.

The last months were quite busy with activities, exams, hard work and the presentation of our final project which consisted of analyzing and delivering a marketing plan to a company that was dedicated to the production of cakes. The objective was to identify business opportunities and make improvements and recommendations to the business plan to increase profitability and brand awareness.

So we had to get involved from market research, creation of a new logo and a financial analysis that would allow the company to have a better offer than the competitors.  We also had to focus on the digital and social networking strategy which is a global trend.

My team and I the day of the final exam. The cake represented the learning through books and the cupcakes represented the importance of brand communication through social networks.

Time is going so fast that in the blink of an eye we were standing celebrating graduation day.

My friends and I during my graduation day in the gardens of the university.

All these months taught me that persistence and discipline are important factors for success. We don’t always have the encouragement and time that studies demand and it is so easy to give up on a goal because of fear or lack of trust, but that is where we must remember that not everyone has the same opportunities as us and that knowledge is the power we need to change things.

We must always surround ourselves with our family and positive people who encourage us to be better.

My mother and sister to whom I dedicate this triumph

The graduation day was one of the best days of my life because I not only managed to finish my studies but I was also awarded for academic excellence, something that I waited for a long time, and that I hope will inspire more students to achieve their goals.

Once again, I am very grateful to the foundation that believed in me and gave me the privilege of representing Guatemala.

How you can support in your country

If you are a market researcher, a national market research association, an NGO involved in research or a university interested in a scholarship in your country please contact us at info@esomarfoundation.org

Partners & Sponsors

We are always on the lookout for partners and sponsors. If you are an organisation looking to understand more about how you can support us, please find more information here or contact:  info@esomarfoundation.org 

“For every child, every right” – 20 November – Today we celebrate World Children’s Day!

Around the world, children are showing us their strength and leadership advocating for a more sustainable world for all. Let’s build on advances and re-commit to putting children first. For every child, every right.” UN Secretary-General António Guterres

This year’s celebration marks the anniversary of the United Nations’ adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. We can all play an important part in making World Children’s Day relevant for their societies, communities and nations. We, at the ESOMAR Foundation, want to celebrate this special anniversary by offering our readers and followers a few of the many examples of how solutions have been found and impact has been made on the lives of many children around the world with the help of the skills, knowledge and support of the data, research and insights community.

Reducing Child Mortality – A providers, a mother and a powder

Winner of the Most innovative Not-For-Profit case study of the ESOMAR Foundation Making a Difference Competition 2018. “With deep and nuanced understanding of what was driving oral rehydration salt (ORS) uptake, we developed a radically revised theory of how to increase the use of ORS to treat diarrhea in children. Instead of focusing exclusively on RMPs, programs should create demand for ORS by reframing caregivers’ perception of the treatment. This would help RMPs to bridge their “know-do” gap and prescribe ORS with confidence.” This project was carried out by Surgo Foundation in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative

Giving the World’s Children

UN0141031 © UNICEFUN0141031LeMoyne

a Voice: A UNICEF case study

Children represent one of the most vulnerable groups in a society. They also represent a society’s future: future decision-makers, leaders, consumers and employees. Despite the progress achieved in numerous areas, children continue to face high distressing situations across the world.

“For 2017 World’s Children Day, UNICEF’s goal was to give the world’s children a voice. The overarching objective was to see the world through their eyes: to hear their perspectives on the most pressing issues affecting children globally and in their home country, to understand their hopes for the world’s children, to hear what they would change if they were in charge. To put results in perspective, we also wanted to understand their world: who they admire (and are influenced by), whether they feel they are being heard and if so by whom and get their opinion on world leaders’ job at addressing children’s issues.This research is an attempt to give children a voice and make the rest of society aware of what children are concerned about, and what changes they would like to see so their opinions are also taken into account in the decisions being made. It is also a reminder to all to make sure we are talking to the right people.”

This research is the product of the collaboration between UNICEFGrey Advertising (the communications agency for the World’s Children Day) and Kantar’s Lightspeed Research: for the technical aspect of the research project.

Awareness of human trafficking risks among vulnerable children and youth in Ukraine

The survey aimed to define the vulnerability and the level of awareness of human trafficking among nine groups of children and youth in Ukraine. The survey covered children in difficult life circumstances and orphans; children from foster families and family-type homes; children displaced from the conflict zone in the East of Ukraine; children with special needs; homeless children; young people detained in penitentiaries; and youth of vocational schools.

The International Organization for Migration mission in Ukraine (IOM) implements a variety of human trafficking prevention activities. To improve the existing counter-trafficking practice, it conducted specific surveys on a regular basis to identify the most vulnerable and at-risk populations. Taking into consideration the results of the commissioned survey, IOM supported NGO small-grant projects in every oblast of Ukraine focused on targeted awareness increase and prevention work among the identified key vulnerable groups of children and youth with the highest risks of human trafficking. As a result of these projects, more than 63,000 vulnerable children and youth increased their knowledge of various types of human trafficking and basic rules of safe migration and employment.

The research was commissioned by the International Organization for Migration mission in Ukraine and conducted by GfK Ukraine

Driving the Efforts to Prevent “Stunting” in Indonesia

Stunting is the impaired growth and development of children caused by poor nutrition and repeated infection resulting in their height being two standard deviations below the WHO Standards. Indonesia has a higher incidence of stunting among ASEAN Countries …1 in 3 children. Feedback from the National Nutrition Communication Campaign (NNCC), IMA World Health suggests that we are on the right path … “This research program has made a big contribution to our mission …helped us start right. Stunting is no longer invisible. It’s a mainstream issue backed by the government and local communities. We have no doubt that we will see progressive reduction in stunting.

The government of Indonesia has committed to an integrated National Nutrition Communication Campaign (NNCC) for behavior change targeted at individuals, communities and stakeholders to minimize stunting. To this end, IMA World Health was commissioned by MCA Indonesia to design and implement an effective NNCC resulting in behavior change and lower stunting incidence.

Kantar TNS Indonesia conducted the in-depth study for the understanding of knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and behavior related to mother and child nutrition and stunting – to identify the motivators and deterrents to desired behavior, including the role of different influencers and influences to aid integrated communication strategy development covering message and media/touchpoint strategies.

I am one in a million

How Street Invest  and Big Sofa created a remarkable video: ‘I am One in a Million’ from qualitative research findings – with the objective of changing the public perception of Street Children – to humanise them.

The power of this study lies in the shareable and impactful output film.

Through this research, street children have been able to share their own stories, using in their own voice, in a manner which can be shared with those who have the power to change their lives.

* All the street workers involved were trained in Child Protection and informed consent was gained from the young people who participated in the filming.



Announcement: The Research Got Talent Initiative Goes Global!

At this year’s ESOMAR Congress in Edinburgh, ESOMAR and the ESOMAR Foundation launched an exciting new project focused on engaging youth to address prominent social issues using research.

The Research Got Talent Initiative was pioneered by the Associations in India and Hong Kong and saw great success in connecting a range of stakeholders and ultimately showcasing the positive impact of the insights sector. Through the Initiative, Associations can engage with Charities and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to address the issues they might be facing when running their projects and operations.

By taking this initiative to the global level, ESOMAR aims to encourage the participating of young researchers in practical market research projects and to present an opportunity for local Associations around the world to demonstrate the talent in our profession.

Participation in the Research Got Talent Initiative will also foster closer cooperation with members, potential members, local Charities and NGOs, for the purpose of tackling meaningful social issues among local communities. The initiative will commence at the local level, where one winner will be selected and entered into the global competition.

The global competition winners will take the stage at the ESOMAR Congress 2020 and have the opportunity to showcase their project in front of the most relevant actors in the Market Research industry.

Interested associations are invited to write to info@esomarfoundation.org or bianca.marcu@esomar.org to receive more details on the initiative. Registration deadline 15th of November.